Sunday, March 12, 2017

Luxury Highway Touring for When a Million is Too Chintzy for You

Feast your eyes on a Liberty Coach for $2.5 million and you can drive one home today ... or at least to the nearest legal parking facility since the neighbors will probably burn your house if you park it there.

At least with this tour, they lost the poof with the fake accent on the million-dollar bus.  (Ithaka:  Luxury Highway Touring for a Million Bucks or So)

I wasn't much interested in the exterior and went straight for the interior tour which starts at +8:56 into the video.

They didn't screw around with this one and the only way to make it more expensive is to give a Trump treatment to plate everything in gold.  The strings of lights in the bus are tacky but gold leaf would finish it.  You wouldn't be able to use it for anything except campaign tours and dog shows after that.

As with the other bus, it would make for an exceptional tour but that's not the same as traveling.  From the Rockhouse view, the bus is pretty but useless.  When I'm on the move, I want to see things, meet people, do things, and all the reasons we get out to find more of a world than wherever we live.  It seems this bus is designed strongly the other way around insofar as it's heavily closed off to the world.  Nope, this one is not for me.

Note:  it appears the vehicles are generally 'diesel pushers' (i.e. motor in the back) with a 500-600 hp Cummins diesel providing the power and an immeasurable amount of torque.

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