Friday, March 10, 2017

CNN and the Ongoing Melodrama with Retail from Paul R. La Monica / @lamonicabuzz

As ever, CNN gives all the trite melodrama you could possibly need.

America has way too many stores -- at a time when consumers are increasingly shopping online instead of at the mall. One retail CEO even compared the state of retail today to the housing bubble back in the mid-2000s.

- CNN:  There is a retail bubble -- and it's bursting

Oh, the humanity ... the bubble is bursting.

There's no bursting bubble and, thankfully, you're not as easily gulled as the hoi polloi since you have seen the rise in Amazon in parallel with the fall of traditional retail department stores.  After that process has been happening for years, it's encouraging to see CNN finally noticed but, as ever, their observations on the matter have no value.

Something else CNN noticed twenty years after it happened was bankers discovered around 2000 that mortar holds bricks together and ever after referred to physical businesses as brick and mortar establishments.  The banking system as a whole is riddled with similar evidence of their imaginative genius.  Twenty years later, CNN started doing it too.

Shoppers are more inclined to click and order than visit bricks and mortar.


Ed:  it looks like he thought he was getting poetic with that

Roses are red,
violets are blue
You can't fuckin' write
You're just a dumb screw

Ed:  yep, that's it

Actually, I kind of admire the yokel, Paul R. La Monica, for the utter rubbish he writes.

But the dominance of Amazon is clearly taking its toll on the weakest links of the retail industry.
So don't be surprised to see even more store closures and bankruptcies.


Lord, Lord, it's taking its toll and (sob) we may not survive.

And don't you be surprised at what comes.

Ed:  why the fuck should I be surprised when this has been happening for years?

Pretend you're surprised then or probably CNN will start attributing the evolutionary shift in retail to the efforts of Russian hackers again.

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