Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The People of Our Revolution

The picture is excerpted from an email from Our Revolution but I want to focus on the people just now.

Looks like a lotta freaks in the crowd of all shapes and sizes and most are relatively young but some have some mileage.  I don't believe I see any billionaires unless they're going incognito for rallies.

The 99% usually doesn't have a face but these ones are real and they're damn good to see.  It's not a question of whether there's one musician in that crowd but rather how many and what other unrevealed talents do you suppose exist.

You hear about diversity all the time but these ones just do it and don't need speeches about it.

Mostly the Rockhouse is fed-up to the overworked gills with hearing about Trump and we want to hear about people who work toward something rather than simply trying to take Trump down.  Trump isn't the problem since legions of electrified, digitized, electronified eyes-glazed-over typist warriors own that prize.

There's endless shouting about Trump but not a word regarding America's biggest lie ...

Ed:  what lie is that?

Of course it's the government hoax that the traffic lights are synchronized.

Ed:  don't get that started on Twitter or we will never hear the end of it!

Roger that.

There's an endless solemn slurry of slanderous and libelous swill regarding Trump but the sophomoric surprise at the things he is doing takes pubescent to a new oily dimension.  Republicans do shitty things and what a shock.  Oh me, oh my.

I don't see anyone in the picture who is wailing and gnashing his or her teeth.  I do love the diversity of it since we see people trying to program the appearance of diversity in all kinds of things but the above is the walking, talking image of the Statue of Liberty.

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