Thursday, December 8, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 12/8

Dec 8, 2016, 2 comments
Dec 7, 2016, 12 comments

As usual, I'm not entirely sure what did it but Ithaka was read more today than any time since about six months back.  Thanks for the interest.

Watching - you may not see the football but astronomers have a way to actually look at planets orbiting nearby stars

American Religion - this one is harsh as Mary Fallin is not representative of any religious person I ever knew

The Pain - this is an unsuccessful search for a short story which I believe, possibly fantasized, I read sometime in the sixties or seventies.

I Believe - Greg Lake sings about the vibe of Christmas rather than the acquisitions and does it beautifully

The Coming War - regarding Obama's continuing provocation of China based on an upcoming film by John Pilger

Russia - this one is unusual since Russia was bangin' the blog almost as hard as America.  I'm not a Communist but, here's a tip: neither are they.

Keith Ellison - the voice of truth in the Democratic Party which hasn't been heard in the DNC in quite some time

Mystery Lady - she's brilliant.  Her ability to make something beautiful with pencils is astounding.

Learning About - the situation got kind of upside-down and I apologize for that.  Mansuetude (i.e. gentleness) is the most important aspect of dealing with anything, I believe.  I need to bring more of it.

Mafia - singing the wonders of chicken noodle soup and various things

Here are some others which did not make the cut but which have enormous medical information regarding cancer or Alzheimer's in terms of substantive ways to treat both.

There are some high-level health articles today but people haven't been reading them so much. One describes how a CD36 protein is an important part of metastasis for cancer and suppressing that protein with antibodies has an extremely strong result in preventing metastasis altogether. Metastasis is what usually kills people and if it's really possible to prevent that ... well ...   (Ithaka: If You Want to Spread Cancer Faster then Go to McDonald's)

Note: you may not like the answer since high-fat foods are a large part of the cause.

The other is less dramatic but is substantial for mitigation of the symptoms of Alzheimer's and here's the twisted part: they do it with LED lights. (Ithaka: Using Light to Mitigate Effects of Alzheimer's)

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