Thursday, December 22, 2016

Cadillac Man and the Dark Side of Republican Imperialism

It's been surprising in talking with Cadillac Man sometimes when he has said I have had some effect on his perception on the history of the post-WWII period.  That's a novel sensation when I consider him the most historically well-informed person I know.

The interest is specifically in the far-right direction of America ever since WWII and it's made no difference whether a Republican or Democratic administration was in power since the far-right imperative never stopped and it's been, almost since its inception, driven by the CIA.

Cadillac Man is not so convinced on the idea of CIA drivers behind this but he does see it's they or it's the banks.  His thinking is not simplistic in terms of it has to be one or the other and why not both but his general thinking is the banks and those behind them have been driving it while the CIA only presents the mechanics.

Usually thinking jumps to tales of the Bilderbergs or the Rothschilds and the Great Jewish Conspiracy at that stage but we're not interested in personalities, only in the international foreign policy which is engendered by they and their missives (i.e. politicians).

Cadillac Man is fond of observing that America, since the days of the Founding Fathers, has been run by rich white men.  That has never changed, notwithstanding the patronizing tokenism inherent in Ben Carson and others.

Some pseudo-liberals have been screeching that Hillary Clinton would have changed that altogether but there was no evidence of it when bankers were showering her with money and she had generals all over the stage with her.  The only way to get any more Republican than that is to start killing infidels yourself.

There's been an ongoing litany on Ithaka regarding America's penchant for the seek and destroy missions against any country which has even a hint of left-leaning politicians.  Support from Russia is enough to indicate left-leaning so such countries must be destroyed.  We have seen that policy all over South America, all over the Middle East, and Obama even pushed it back to Russia and China again.

Ed:  Obama sure is representative of rich white men, alright!

It doesn't matter how he looks; it matters how he behaves.  The rich white bankers had nothing to fear from Obama regarding repercussions for 2008 and the rich white gentry had nothing to fear since he did nothing about increasing taxes to pay the freight.

There was a throwaway elsewhere in which someone said it's good to have Russia and China afraid of America but there's no indication they're afraid of anything.  It's much more apparent that most of the world regards America as nothing more than a global hemorrhoid with a lot of money and which is largely-populated by violent sociopaths.  After American cops have killed more citizens this year than anywhere other than China and third-world countries, there's nothing to refute any perception of out-of-control violence in America.

Note:  a throwaway is typically something pitched online, usually in puerile ways with memes and the like, to incite the riff raff.  Why people get off on such mongrels following them is for you to determine; I'm just glad they don't follow me.

Ed:  you're nothing but an elitist liberal!

I'm considerably more than an elitist liberal but that's definitely one of the components.  I expect people to be knowledgeable and well-read or they're mongrels who don't deserve to vote.  Election 2016 was a prime example of what happens when those without knowledge participate as that travesty couldn't have been more of an embarrassing disaster if it had been pre-programmed.

The parties go straight for the mongrels because it's easy to get them to believe just about anything and they won't let it go once it's implanted.  The parties use the same traditional technique for that implementation in endless repetition of the Big Lie until people start repeating it.

Note:  'mongrel' has nothing to do with race but rather bastardized thinking.  When you let someone else do your thinking for you, guess what.

Almost everything which has happened since WWII within America has been toward sustaining the Washingtonian gravy train in military money.  That's been continuously successful when it's been draining off half of America's largesse every year.  There must be some kind of Star Chamber behind it because there's been too much guidance for any of this to have happened at random.

The general direction from any kind of Star Chamber thinking is 'we just need to find them and kill them.  Then everything will be ok.'  In fact it won't since there are plenty of rich white guys to take their places.

The government has to be strong enough to withstand the Star Chamber disease and right now it's not.  The attack on the Star Chamber isn't to kill them but rather it's like with vampires; they can't do anything if you don't invite them into your house.

Ed:  the Right Wing (including all Democrats since Reagan) has been opening the door wide to them.

Well, you see the problem to solve, don't yewwww.


Anonymous said...

Tell your buddy Putin thank you fir his comment that Russia has the strongest military anywhere.
That will costs us at least anothdr percentage point or 5 to the US military spending

Unknown said...

Hot tip on US military spending: they will do it anyway (larfs).

Trump still isn't making bomber noises at Russia and seems determined to do business. Definitely go forth and be the capitalist golden boy since the Presidents preceding have been narrow-minded nong nongs. It's still not clear if anything else he proposes makes sense but that much does.

Anonymous said...

Putins sabre rattling does nothing but instigate

Unknown said...

When America does that all around Russia's borders, his calm has been impressive.