Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mafia Goes to the Mattresses But I Go to the Chicken Soup

Campbell's chicken noodle soup is not the best bet and Progresso's is excellent.  You will know immediately when you try it.  We don't need the researchers to find which is the most healthful since maybe any kind of chicken noodle soup, particularly when the weather is cold.

The trouble with Campbell's chicken noodle is it's much too salty and the noodles are wimpy but it's the right thing just now because there's not enough sodium in me.  It turns out that's just as dangerous as having too much.  It's kind of funny to me since we're always told don't eat too much salt and I don't ... but now there isn't enough of it.

Note:  I heard somewhere 'going to the mattresses' is Mafia talk for a war between the bosses.  I'm no more of a gangster than Peewee Herman.

Something I learned today is VA can provide protein drinks (e.g. Ensure) because they're a good way to address things like this.  If you can't get anything else inside you, a protein drink will probably work.

It must be some kind of an illness since this has come back multiple times but, thankfully, this time without so much of the brutal coughing.

That eliminates milk as a perp in the coughing since I've been drinking more of it but there hasn't been that huge increase in the production of phlegm.  Sorry that's disgusting but it's a day-to-day reality with me and so it goes.

Another aspect of the cold is cramping and that's everywhere from my lower chest to my toes.  That's one of the hardest to control since your body fights itself and, dayum, does it hurt.  I think this sort of problem is fairly common and I did look a bit on the Web but the results were vague as to the cause.  I do know from that an important thing is to get the affected muscle to its normal position since the immediate cause is overuse of a muscle which presumably gets full of acid from the work and then it hurts.

One way to trigger it is if you're lying down and your feet are not in their normal positions; that's just begging for cramps.  I have no idea why but that's how it goes.  The only resolution I know is to put the foot back the way it naturally goes and then be cool, be cool ... it will eventually stop.

There are multiple other, erm, situations but the purpose isn't a medical report because you'll weep (larfs).  I did want to get in a plug for Progresso's soup since I've just tried the Campbell's and all that salt surprised me.

It doesn't go past me that my family is probably in a somewhat similar situation as you learn what's busted in the fifties and in the sixties it starts breaking except for Mick Jagger who is still making babies at seventy-three.  There seems to a bit of an attitude toward him of some kind of Lothario but he's taken exceptional care of himself to stay fit for all those years of touring and he likes to screw.  What do you know ... babies happen.

I know the situation with the Mystery Lady and with Cadillac Man.  It wouldn't be appropriate to reveal that here but they wobble too and we talk about that privately but mostly we talk of other things.  I know generally the health of my sisters with one having been bushwhacked multiple times through no fault of her own while the other enjoys a high level of health.

I do not know much at all about the health of my brothers but they were wise enough to quit smoking many years ago so my assumption is their health is generally good but I don't know that.  Neither of them takes any kind of drugs except for alcohol and booze isn't a particularly healthy thing but at least it doesn't wreck your lungs.

Ed:  no, it wrecks your liver instead.

From what I've seen, that's not likely to happen unless you really hammer it.  One kid drank himself to death and he was in a box before he was forty.  That situation was in Cincinnati maybe five or six years ago.

There are some high-level health articles today but people haven't been reading them so much.  One describes how a CD36 protein is an important part of metastasis for cancer and suppressing that protein with antibodies has an extremely strong result in preventing metastasis altogether.  Metastasis is what usually kills people and if it's really possible to prevent that ... well ...  (Ithaka:  If You Want to Spread Cancer Faster then Go to McDonald's)

Note:  you may not like the answer since high-fat foods are a large part of the cause.

The other is less dramatic but is substantial for mitigation of the symptoms of Alzheimer's and here's the twisted part:  they do it with LED lights.  (Ithaka:  Using Light to Mitigate Effects of Alzheimer's)

People usually gravitate to the political articles but there's quite a bit more variety here than that.  A great many things interest me and I throw them out here.

Mystery Lady does it the other way around as she will skip right past the political articles to find the other material and the easiest way to do that is to open Ithaka without a specific link to an article and then scroll down the page looking for any title which looks interesting.

Use for the direct link.

I write a lot so there are multiple ways to look up recent articles in the sidebar as well but, still, the easiest is scrolling through the primary page.

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