Monday, December 26, 2016

There's Nothin' in the News

There's no reason to carp about the news because there's nothin' in it.

Jackie Evancho is said to be favored to sing for the Inauguration and you know that show is going to rock as soon as you hear "America the Beautiful" since she sings it like she's America's long-lost Lesbian lover.  It's so awful even the people in "World War Z" will cringe ... including the zombies.

A Lesbian lover would be way cooler than that since Leslie Gore is gay and she sang the tripiest songs ever about teen angst and, yep, boyfriends.  Check her out sometime as she's much cooler than you may know.

We can soon anticipate the End of 2016, End of Year, End of Epoch, End of Life As We Know It lists.  I know you're looking forward to those and the beauty part is some vacuous newsreaders will present them to us one by one ... but they will be witty and breasty about it.

Ed:  what's your problem with female newsreaders?

They constantly tell us what they think will happen rather than what actually did happen but there's a tiny problem since I don't give a fuck what they think will happen when I'm only interested in the news.

The Predictions for 2017 must be coming soon as well but maybe those will spend themselves as nauseating and annoying resolutions under a Twitter #hashtag where no-one will read them except people who are resolving they will stop playing with hashtags.

Obama says he could have won again in 2016 but the article left out the fact he also thinks he could have been a Pharaoh, he once defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, and he might also have been Miss America at one time.

They forgot about Christmas as soon as the football started but it didn't change here.  Everything has gone predictably since the Fort Worth Christmas Skyline Chili Feast and Yevette will be dusting off late but that will surprise no-one whatsoever.  I'm anticipating a (gasp) bath this afternoon after she rolls and that should position nicely for getting a video happening.  I've got all the kit, the Galaxy Guitar is holding her tune quite well, and timing looks most opportune; there ain't no excuse whatsoever for letting it go.

I did get some more string time earlier and it's like strength builds but creaking slowly.  There's a strong vibe if I quit smoking everything then I can cough this out of myself until I get whacked at a more appropriate time.  I know it's just mindfuck and it makes silly deals in denial but what if it's not.

There's been much less blood and for no obvious reason.  That's a fact.

I would end up living like a monk but I would still be playing.  I don't have a strong desire to play sets but playing freeform for video has high appeal.

There's no need to say a word as I can feel my ol' Dad glaring fiercely at me.  Why are we even talking about this?

My ol' Mother is doing it too because she doesn't throw any weepy crap but she will make clear she's pissed.  She would be ninety-eight today.  It's her fo' real birthday.

This vibe might have started with my ol' Dad since his birthday was the day before Christmas.

While this is popping my only interest in the news is whether a nuke war stays out of it.  So long as that's true, I don't expect much of anything from the news.  I may have had my fill of the fortune tellers.

It's unusual when we celebrate Jesus' birthday but for everyone else we remember when they die.  I don't remember the days my parents died; I don't even know the years.

(Quick review of CNN)

The lists have already started and they have the Worst TV of 2016.  Answer:  all of it except NASCAR.

They also advised Britney Spears is still alive and thank goodness for that, huh.

As I said, there's nothin' in the news.

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