Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Fort Worth Christmas Skyline Chili Feast

Herewith, one half of the Fort Worth Christmas Skyline Chili Feast:

Yevette is at this moment tucking into the other half of it.

There's no chance I will be able to finish all of that but it's a great pleasure trying.  No matter what kind of politically-correct breath freshener you use, all that onion will cut through it and every one of its friends ... for a week.

This feast didn't cost much since it took one 15-ounce can of Skyline chili for four bucks.  It needed most of a package of grated cheese and that would be less than four bucks.  The pasta and onion cost zip.  Four bucks a head for the World's Finest Chili.  Not bad.

This is nothing like Texas chili.  With that stuff, if it doesn't make you grow horns and shoot fireballs, they think it's weak and worthless.

Skyline chili is spicy and has some heat but you will need some tabasco sauce if you want to shoot fireballs.

I did get the mandatory Christmas bath but making a recording tonight is improbable.  Unless I miss my guess and I have great clairvoyance for such things, sleeping will happen shortly and I know Yevette is planning on crashing so noisemaking is out for some time anyway.

Yevette has a Big Deal planned for tomorrow but it isn't here so that may turn out as a better opportunity to do it since I'm not going out.

Teasing on the recording after pumping it all this time sucks the same as teasing Yevette with the Skyline chili and then failing to deliver it.  She said it was delicious so that tease is definitely fulfilled.


Cadillac Man said...

Merry Christmas. May the burps begin. Ho, Ho, Ho and a very big UH!

Unknown said...

Uh, Uh, Uh!

Thank you and it was outstanding!

And there was burping but it was good.