Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Then the Great Sulk Came over Mudville

How adorable to see CNN still fancies they're a credible purveyor of news, tho. They did reaffirm their predilection for plane crashes, however; their return to celebrity crotch shots shouldn't be far behind.

The New York Times won't be covering anything but Broadway and the Westminster Dog Show after their deeply-compromised reporting.

Around the world, pseudo-liberals are crying themselves to such sadly victimized sleep.

Now is when it starts getting even worse since we have seen the corporate destroyers Trump has enlisted and various nong nongs have been screeching about this Secretary or that one isn't qualified but that's irrelevant when the purpose is to take down each of their organizations since the Fed shouldn't be paying for anything except weapons.

Immediately there's the defensive scream that Obama wasn't doing that but the reality is he never did much of anything else.

You never heard how much money Syria was costing because that kind of information was only important when Bush was wasting the money.

So it goes in the pseudo-Democrat version of Oz.

It's going to get really bad and all of us know it but nothing has changed with regard to Clinton's penchant for power and radioactivity.  As we saw, there was nothing she wouldn't do for money and that made her the most dangerous grifter in the game.

Bernie Sanders remains the only one who has dealt with the election like an adult and he remains the only one other than those in his cadre who is working for the Democratic Party rather than self-interests.  He's working for the real DNC rather than the version the Clintons stole and that transmogrified horror is, hopefully, gone forever.

Take it easy.  The DNC had to be killed.  The Clinton / Wasserman Schultz DNC had to be destroyed and humiliated so no-one ever tries to do this to the Democratic Party again.  Even if nothing else, they learned they can't bullshit Democrats into falling line with them and it will not happen.  When they wanted to play Republican then they should at least have been honest about it and joined the GOP.

Ed:  will you still respect them in the morning?

I don't respect them now.  The election has been so much awash in disingenuous bullshit with reeking double standards and the most sanctimonious hypocrisy I've ever seen.  It was the constant play acting as the victim of Every Damn Thing which was really revolting, tho.  The Guardian really took the biscuit for that aspect with articles such as "The Death of Truth" and the content overall was so nauseating as to gag a carrion-eating insect.

The deplorable lack of reading on both sides showed no more depth to any aspect of the election than can be found in any rain puddle.  The ease with which the electorate can be manipulated was a shocking disgrace and that got even more profound in the reaction to the result.

Ever since the election, the decision to abstain has been confirmed repeatedly.  I have zero regrets about it although there are obvious regrets about the dark direction the country has taken in general.  The Me-Me-Me of things has become an endemic and ubiquitous cultural problem and there's no end to it in sight.

Ed:  like Ithaka is something different!

Perhaps it is.  If you care to review, I haven't asked for anything, not even to buy my shoddy CD.

Ed:  are you trying to pull a Billy Mack from "Love Actually" with that CD?

Nah, I'll probably draw my line at dancing naked on TV like he did.  That won't happen.

Ed:  what about if you can take the boa with you?

Maybe.  Then maybe I would.

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