Thursday, December 8, 2016

As to Pushing People Away

While I did not think I had been doing that, if anyone thinks I was doing it then it comes out the same.

There's one thing I did say definitely about coming to see my busted self was not a good idea for anyone.  That may be selfish insofar as it would be the last time.

Therefore, I should lift that one although I do caution that it will likely shock you.  It may not seem it but I play down the situation in that which I write and the actual is bad with the situation lately which has been awful.  I do not expect anyone to come but you are welcome if it's your choice.

Note:  it's not the current absence of ganja which caused the latest since that hasn't happened previously when I ran out.  I do know Father Christmas will fly by eventually because Socialism and who knows when he will show but that's ok.  Everything goes around down here and it doesn't work the way people usually deal with each other.  I don't mean down in Texas but with we po' people.

The political content will inevitably be alienating to a tremendous number of people but that can't be helped when so many have shifted so hard right.  Despite the epithets about liberals, etc, I'm just a Democrat and a real one rather than the warmongering kind.  If you want to see more like me, check out the Vets for Peace who went up to Standing Rock.  They're not radicals, they're peacemakers.

Briefly, the Socialist Left's dream world doesn't use money and simple capitalism goes out the window to be replaced by something a wee bit less primitive than the equivalent of trading colored seashells with the Indians to get Manhattan as happened in one of America's earliest crooked deals.  That dream world isn't an illusion but it's impossible to realistically achieve over the short term.  Meanwhile, being a straight-up Democrat who is not beholden to Wall Street or the Pentagon works just fine for me.

Note:  the above eliminates every Democrat going back to Jimmy Carter who is routinely savaged by Republicans as if they have some example of a Republican who did a better job.  It just pissed off the Pentagon that they couldn't get him to start any wars.

That such material may seem it pushes people away is unfortunate when the primary purpose is to encourage people who believe the same or similar things.  As Bernie Sanders showed, there are more than many think.

I do try to keep any personal information about real people (i.e. as opposed to newsmakers) out of Ithaka unless it's positive.  That isn't always successful and for that I apologize as the responsibility is mine.

The rule is always don't hurt anyone except as above with politicians; when they have no concern about hurting me, I have no reason to show any consideration for them.

That hasn't always been successful and the answer is simple that I have to do better.

Mansuetude is the operative word and I dig it because it's weird and Word of the Day stumped me, which I also dig.  If it's not gentle then I'm doing it wrong and I believe that applies to just about everything from me up to entire countries.

In the description, Christian kindness was used as an example of mansuetude and, relative to Mary Fallin, that was crying for a shot but she's the only Christian I ever saw with such harsh and oligarchical thinking.  Blasting all Christians based on her isn't fair so I didn't do it.  Many of the low-end Christians have her kind of sharia law thinking but I know many Christians and I never met one like that.

Note:  I'm not a Christian; I simply observe.  Briefly reiterating the position, my belief in Creation is such that any religion is valid if not so much its rules which I regard as a different thing.  For example, what does the existence of God have to do with eating meat on Friday.  (Don't tell me; I don't care.)

One from today was a 'stickybeak' as that's someone who sticks his nose into someone else's business (i.e. busybody, etc).  There's not much potential for using it but the word sounds so classically American as it has that feeling of Americana about it.

Mansuetude is the thing so find more of that.

Ed:  eloquent


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