Saturday, December 17, 2016

"The War on Christmas" from Mrs Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian

Mrs Betty Bowers has become, dare I say it, somewhat tedious in her War Against Trump since even we infidels get it that he makes ugly Cabinet choices.  However, in this vignette, she gets back to what she does best:  savaging pseudo-Christian hypocrisy such as when they get bent if you say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" ... but ... Mrs Betty Bowers has the answer.

Take it to the Mall.

I doubt she will offend y'all since, to my knowledge, none of you are tight-arsed prigs.

Ed:  are tight-arsed prigs the ones responsible for the Facebook War on Nipples?

The very same.

See, in the evolution of tight-arsed prigs, they started as tight-arsed prigs in Britain but a subset of tight-arsed prigs went to America because of the tight-arsed prigs back home.  In time, those tight-arsed prigs over here evolved to today's modern standards in which they revile 'dirty words' and nipples with generally equal enthusiasm.

Ed:  who came up with this Puritan crap about 'side boob' photography?

That's an adjunct to the general run of tight-arsed prigs and that aspect works to make Americans look like idiots everywhere.  Generally that phenomenon is found in the right column of online tabloid magazines.

Ed:  those are Brit tabloids!

Right you are but see above for the original source of America's tight-arsed prigs.

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