Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hillary Clinton and the Fukashima / Earthquake Factor

The best thing for Hillary Clinton and the 2016 election is if there is are hurricanes, tornadoes, and plagues of insects on the voting days for primaries.  The only way to improve her odds further would be another disaster at Fukashima to get some radiation into the mix as well.

(Ed:  how about some volcanoes and earthquakes too?)

Sure, those would help her because the more disasters she can find the less the malcontents are likely to show up for the elections.  Clinton is getting thumped in New Hampshire just now and it's specifically because of young malcontents who aren't much inclined toward voting because the candidates always say the same things.  Clinton's intentions toward generally maintaining the status quo go adequately with older trout but that goes nowhere with young people who see right through her.

(Ed:  are you predicting a Hillary Clinton / Cthulhu ticket?)

Sure, Sarah Palin can endorse Donald Trump so why not ... same thing.

(Ed:  with Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, which one is Cthulhu?)

Both of them.

We figure Hillary Clinton will be beseeching the Underworld, please, please send me at least an earthquake to keep those young fuckers home.  She won't worry about Chelsea Clinton because that kid was born middle-aged.

(Ed:  why do you loathe Clinton so much?)

Because ...

a)  she makes the Philistines look like philanthropists
b)  she wants to extend the failed policy in the Middle East
c)  she doesn't have an honest bone in her
d)  all of the above

(Ed:  bullshit.  It's really because she's a woman isn't it)

Well, it's also because she has the manner in debate of a washer woman talking about how she got ripped off at the market ...

(Ed:  you can say it.  This is about boobs, isn't it?)

And it's because her positions change depending on which way she sees polls responding.  She's the political equivalent of a pachinko machine.

(Ed:  I knew it.  you're just another male chauvinist pig!)

You figured me right out, Dick Tracy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I prefer Sanders to Clinton. Of course she gets thumped in tbe upper north east. Those are his neighbors.