Sunday, January 31, 2016

Green Screen and the Marlboro Challenge

A carton of Marlboro cigarettes will cost a large part of the anticipated seventy dollar cost of a green screen big enough to really deliver what I want.

There is a carton about half-gone just now so it's easy to say, well, I'll just quit.

Yah, so that's easy but the Marlboro Challenge is clear:  how badly do you want this green screen.

There's always the need for more lasers and there's also an endless need for more cameras but both of those types of functionality exist here already, I just want more of it.  The green screen offers a radical change and nothing of that nature exists here now.  It's also tremendously flexible as lasers do one thing really well but it's still only one thing whereas the applications for a green screen are limitless.

I guess I don't need disclaimers about knee jerks since the regulars know I study this sort of thing before making a move.  We can't afford a mistake and reading costs nothin'.  The seventy-dollar solution looks like the best value as one can spend hundreds on the supremo solution or minimal on paint but neither of those is a good value relative to what this will deliver.

Part of the reason for locking on this solution is relative to others I have tried in the past.  I've had some success hanging sheets over things, etc and the result was interesting but not sharp enough to be fully satisfactory.

So nothing remains but the Marlboro Challenge.  Unknown if this has any potential but there's huge reason to do it.

(Ed:  that's not the only reason?)

Nope.  The regulars know it already and no point in flogging it.  You know what smoking does.  Actually, it probably won't give you cancer unless cancer runs in your family but it will sure make a stinking sewer out of your lungs.

Quitting smoking goes in some kozmik cycle and in-between times you don't even consider it but then the stars align or some such and you know it's time to give it a go.  That cycle is coming to its zenith just now so we shall see.

Meanwhile there are all kinds of bubbles to blow inside what video collaboration means.  I don't want to see crap videos shot on cellphones because they're, well, crumby.  If you're using halfway decent kit and the camera is producing a real HD image then that video could be easily imported into Final Cut here if you're willing to do it.  I am NOT looking for volunteers but I am getting quite a delight from considering the bubbles.  If you can do this then what will you do this.  It looks like soon I can so, ok, let's make some bubbles.

There will likely be complications with light.  There is no way to green screen in the day time because there would be light coming through the doors behind the screen.  Shooting at night means artificial light or laser chaos so shooting outside with available light is not going to match.  That's not any kind of a killer, it's only a consideration but an important one.

This sounds like something from the Silas movie concert with the Silas doing a show inside the Rockhouse and the green screen is the window to the movie.  However, that's not all of it because there is still the plan to exploit different camera viewpoints within the Rockhouse rather than playing it like it's a dream sequence and we got lost in it.  Such a cinematic trick would make it seem it's not real and that's not satisfactory.

So the overall storyboard is there's a Silas show happening in the Rockhouse and we will look out into this other world as it's necessary to tell the story.  That should integrate it as much as can be done without going berserk with effects and I'm not willing to do that.  No need to keep flogging the nature of reality but the consideration is equally large in this video as in "The End of the World in Fort Worth" insofar as it presents something which is absolutely real but it does so in a seemingly unreal way.  It's a delicious balance to try to maintain.

Jason and Andromeda don't have to be sailing since all I need is to change the lyrics and they could be in a '57 Chevy but where is universal romance bumping around in the back of a Chevy.  She's the most beautiful woman who ever lived and we want to give her respect.

The sailing is a consideration also for the light since we doubt people sail them at night too much.

Maybe we could have them roller-blading together and that's somewhat elegant sometimes but that's not a vibe the same as sailing.  Maybe they could be dancing but that's sooooo obvious and, besides, it's an imminent nuclear war and they're doing a waltz?  WTF!

They can get away with sailing because they don't know I guess.  That would also be true for dancing but waltz ... schmaltz ... ain't happenin'.

This would cost zip:  they could be hiking about in those Tennessee mountains which are absolutely gorgeous, have zero schmaltz, and make an excellent setting for young love, deep and true love, eternal things.  Yah, this could be good too.

In fact ... I'm thinking those lyrics need to change.  A hiking situation could be perfect for a number of scenes.  There's only a small part which specifically mentions sailing so this could work.

We still have zero nuclear missile silos at our disposal but thinking, thinking ...

NOTE:  I am not locking on the idea of a collaborative video but I am determined to find out if it's garbage.  For that one, see Walter Matthau in "The Odd Couple" and you probably didn't have time to do that ... so ... Jack Lemmon was the fastidious and annoying half of the odd couple and Walter Matthau was the cranky but lovable one.  Lemmon makes a big deal out of preparing linguini for dinner and Matthau gets fed-up, throws it against the wall where it drips in a horrendous ooze of pasta and spaghetti sauce, and then turns to Lemmon and to say, "Now it's garbage."

(Ed:  so this is throwing stuff against the wall to see if it's garbage part?)

Righty right, matey.

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