Thursday, January 28, 2016

"Andromeda Weeps" - Well Underway

There was a trial of "Andromeda Weeps" just now with preliminary lyrics and they match up fairly well.  Melody isn't in it yet because I'm after phrasing and just now it sounds kind of like a white guy rap and if there's anything the world needs less, I'm not aware of it unless maybe it's "Huckleberry Hound's Essential Book of Philosophy."

(Ed:  what does your essential philosophy say about white Santa, Huck?)

Screw that.  I'm talkin' Dog Santa, you know.  He may widdle on yer tree but you can trust him, right?

(Ed:  this song is about Talkin' Dog Santa?)

Well, no.  I do like the idea, tho.

(Ed:  it's been done)

Yah, in a Super Bowl commercial.  Your cultural enlightenment stuns me ... really.  BUD-WEIS-ER.

Gimme a damn break with those stupid frogs.  Eat their legs.

"Andromeda Weeps" but she doesn't end the song weeping.  Maybe it sounds wimpy to give it a happy ending but it needs one because the other choice is the boys in the missile silo launch and everyone dies.  There has to be a happy ending or all it needs is a fade to black.

The premise is there's been a call to the missile silos to launch.  They won't be told why because it's their charge to follow orders in this without question.  Jason and Andromeda are the Young Beautiful People and Jason has been called to arms but Andromeda implores him, please don't go.  Drama ensues but is resolved by the order to stand down.  It was a false alarm and there is no attack.

The idea is philosophically binary insofar as you do it and everybody dies or you don't.  There is no particular need for maundering because that always comes out the same no matter what some pig general from the Pentagon dreams up on his feather bed.

(Ed:  what about adding that kind of hostility to them to the song?)

Because it's a love song with a twist or it's a mish-mash which may not know if it's slashing generals who destroy the dream or it's proclaiming the grand love between Jason and Alexander.

(Ed:  Doctor Zhivago did it)

Yah but perhaps I can refresh your memory:  Doctor Zhivago did not get the girl.  When he finally finds Tara at the end of the movie, he vapor locks before he ever gets to her.  It's a Russian story (i.e. zero happy endings).

The mix of love song / anti-war is I believe reasonably good for now but the lyrics are tentative and will definitely evolve more as I decide how I will film it.  For now I believe the 'futility of war' is adequately covered by making the attack a false alarm even though that has the potential risk of reducing the song to a punchline.

(Ed:  like in "Rendezvous with Rama?")

Yah, like when 'they always did everything in threes.'  Kee-rist, Arthur ... I read this huge tome to discover it's the sci-fi equivalent of "Ironman??"  Just wait for that sequel, boobies; it will be just great.

(Ed:  what if no-one watches it?)

It wouldn't be surprising.  When they find Donald Trump interesting, if I do a song about skateboards it will likely be too intellectual for them.

(Ed:  like you're so smart?)

In competing with Donald Trump, that's hardly a challenge, is it.

(Ed:  but he's rich!)

He's also an asshole.

(Ed:  you're an asshole too!)

Yah but I earned the title.  Trump just picks on Megyn Kelly and their infantile banter is suddenly newsworthy.  Neither of them would be able to shut their yaps long enough to listen to the song all the way through.

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