Sunday, January 24, 2016

"Andromeda Weeps " Finds Her Chords

Andromeda never really lost her chords because she knew where they were, she just didn't know what they were.  She didn't validate the chords are as written in a subsequent article but the chords were played into the looper and then a bass line on top of that.  The chords should be named correctly in the other but I haven't verified that absolutely.

That went back to the guitar to have a go with some lead lines to discover if the song will work this way.

The chords work but the song doesn't.  It sounds cool for the chords to play through but it gets loopetitious quickly even though the progression is good.

The trouble is the main bit for the song is the part with a lot of chords, lots of coolness but really that's the chorus alone and it does two repetitions.  That works back to the intro bit and that's two repetitions of a short four-chord pattern.  That's not enough to do much of a verse so that part needs to be a variable.

There's one thing about loopers:  they are not variable.

It's possible it could work if the intro bit were split off into its own phrase and then it can loop as many times as I need before going to the main bit.

Hopefully the problem is obvious:  there's a long and elaborate chorus but there's a teeny tiny verse part so it's way 'off-balance' like that.

Which is a long way of saying the song may not be that stretchy in terms of making it longer without it obviously being made longer (i.e. by doing more repetitions, etc).

That's not a bad situation but it does require some composerosity.  If that doesn't work then what does.  Some things turn around in my head so there will be some experimenting to see what comes of that.

Performance is getting less and less intriguing because I can find what's wrong with a tune just fine without taking it into Second Life and skipping live performance means I focus entirely on what's right with them.  "The Sanctuary Song" needs one more run tonight and that will do it for the day as there were several other sessions which weren't recorded and this dog is tired.

Everything is about to hit the ground with a loud crash and that's a drag so probably the best answer is to lie low.  The blog already did with that Carol Kirkwood article and getting to half a million hits. She didn't have much to do with it but she got a big pile of hits during the last lap and the banality of that is my own fault because I knew that was possible.  There isn't any objective to get to a million hits because I wouldn't get any more out of that then the first half million and I can't afford it.  If there's any possible way I can make money, I need to be doing it and this is clearly not it.

There won't be any ads to slut sites just because they pay.  That only makes me a slut too.

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