Tuesday, January 26, 2016

After You Waste Iran, Then What

There's all manner of twisted talk about with stupid expressions like bombing them until they glow.  What does that even mean.  Ted Cruz will nuke Syria.  Can that dumb fuck even find Syria on a map??

Mostly they want to waste Iran based on some highly unbalanced charges and one reason I heard was you want to drop the Ayatollah (i.e. do a Kruschev on him).

Note:  Krushchev famously said 'we will bury you' while he banged his shoe on a table.  Now run that clip again but use Donald Trump and substitute Iran.  Same thing.

We're just a little tired of earthworm politics but one more time for the slow ones.

After you waste Iran, what will you do with it.  Will you leave it to an endless future of car bombings as you did Iraq or will you actually try something creative ... maybe paint it and put up some hotels.

(Ed:  how about Las Vegas Persia?)

Yah, that's the spirit.  Build some casinos and get into the game with Monte Carlo for those tourist dollars.  We guess you will provide free radiation suits for the guests.

If instead you only blow up some of them and cap the Ayatollah, there's one tiny little problem:  they will just elect another one.  Unless you take the country and own it, your cappage of the Ayatollah will be nothing more than one more futile military exercise.

(Ed:  need to waste all of them then)

See, there's the spirit.  Kill 'em all.  Waste them dang Iranians.

What about the innocent ones?

(Ed:  waste them too.  Let Allah sort it out.  They don't think like we do.)

Well ... thank Allah for that, huh.

So that's the plan then, I guess.  Kill all the Iranians but try not to leave the place too radioactive and then paint the place so you can build casinos.  Got it.

You know, I bet the Russians will just love this plan.  Let's tell them, huh?

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