Friday, July 18, 2014

Wanted: Dead ... or More Dead

Americans will shoot to kill anywhere I go now.  The abortion people are the craziest as there's no telling what those maniacs will do.  They will definitely kill you, they have done it before.  I went to a protest once and saw them line up on each side of the street where they waved signs and screamed at each other.  You couldn't tell, from dress, style, or behavior, one side from the other.  Total madness ... like Facebook with meat.

Someone was hammering that I'm a hypocrite due to my opposition to capital punishment in combination with my indifference regarding bombing blastulas.  I thought it was Lotho but maybe it wasn't.

There's a blastula in a following article.  They say there's a soul in it but there isn't even a blastula in it.  There's nothing in it.  Feast your eyes on how easy it is to generate fifty years of controversy in this dumb ass country.  They need leaders who are educated but instead they hire lawyers.  America is where the same type of people who got O.J. Simpson off for killing his wife and her friend then turn around to talk about morality.  (Blog:  McDonald's and the Church)

Somebody's been busting my ass for some while.  I don't know who it was and the Comments have failed altogether if Lotho got tagged for something he didn't do.  He has saved my ass more times than I can count and I couldn't figure out why the change with the ass-busting.  Now it doesn't look like it was even him who did it.

So in going to play, I'm not looking for an audience but rather I'm looking for the metal detectors.

The music is going to stop fairly soon as it's getting too hard to do it.  I'll stop operating fairly soon after that as now I'm too hard to operate too.

Many derived some type of satisfaction for slashing the hell out of me and hating me for my 9/11 beliefs.  That satisfaction shouldn't include talking to me about freedom of religion as I was the only one, the ONLY fucking one, who wasn't talking about killing anyone.  And you say you're lonely.  Really (laughs).

There wasn't anyone in the country who understood.  There still isn't.  I have looked and looked for years.  Cat is the only one anywhere who would have stood with me at that time and I would have been proud to have her there with me.

Lots of performers started jumping on an antiwar bandwagon some while after that.  They didn't understand why I didn't respect them.  Even so, I hope they sold lots of copies.

I'm not feeling sorry for myself.  I'm tired of it and the only question in my mind is what makes the smoothest exit.

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