Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Maestro Michi Renoir ist Unglaublich! (English text)

The title means that Michi Renoir is unbelievable and last night was the first opportunity to attend a show at Cat's Art MusikCircus.  I'm not sure what brought Michi to this theme but he was improvising along a Scottish vein and Cat had put up for the stage a picture of a very old tree in the mists of Scotland.

Maestro Michi's improvisation really is unbelievable both in the depth of the music and the richness of the voices he uses to play it.  Last night he was often using the huge cinematic voices that only synthesizers can give and it really was highly evocative of images of the Scottish Highlands even though, at most, only one in the audience has ever seen them!  But we've all seen "Braveheart," right?  (laughs)

It was a glorious performance and, once again, Maestro Michi outdid himself.  How he comes up with an altogether new show every week is a mystery only he can answer but he just laughs and sits down to play some more.  Unbelievable!

And Cat and I danced!

Cat ist auch unglaublich (Cat is also unbelievable)!

She has been bringing this magic to the virtual world for six years now!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure he knows himself how he does it. But having his head stuffed full of music leaves little room for schmoozing, which is why he doesn't do it :)


Unknown said...

He doesn't need to schmooze. He doesn't need to change a thing!