Thursday, June 1, 2017

The True Story of Colonel Abuthnot Jones

The history goes back to when I was a Gypsy orphan in Paris making chalk drawings on the sidewalks for tips from the American tourists.   I saw a guitar in the window of a shop across the street and I knew someday when I made enough stupid drawings that guitar could be mine.

After some years I turned to crime but nothing all that bad.  Even so they captured me and sent me to the Foreign Legion.  I spent years more out in the desert, riding my camel, serving France, but along the way I did find a guitar and slowly learned to play.  Out there in the desert moonlight, under that ever lonely Moon, I plunked and plunked on that guitar until I could at least get it into tune.

Out there I learned with my camel, there's nothing much in the desert except ancient bones of ancestors.  I found life in the Foreign Legion was much like the Pentagon since I didn't really do a thing but I still wound up a Colonel, the Hero of the Empty Desert.

That was many years ago and the guitar isn't feeling so well so then I turned to poetry and, as you can readily tell, I should have stayed in the Legion where the camel loved my verse.  It didn't understand a word I said but camels love to hear the words.

Now you know ... the Rest of the Story

- Colonel Abuthnot Jones

Watson:  were you really named after a dog?


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