Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Fillums for Dad to Watch With his Kid

An article proposes the twenty-five best fillums (i.e. Australian for film) a Dad will like best with his kid.  ( 'Star Wars,' 'E.T.' and 'Jurassic Park' Top List of Modern Classics Dads Most Want to Share with Their Kids)

Here's the copy of that list:

  1. “Star Wars”
  2. “E.T.”
  3. “Jurassic Park”
  4. “Forrest Gump”
  5. “Toy Story”
  6. “Shrek”
  7. “Rocky”
  8. “Avatar”
  9. “The Lion King”
  10. “Raiders of the Lost Ark”
  11. “Finding Nemo”
  12. “Back to the Future”
  13. “The Karate Kid”
  14. “Home Alone”
  15. “Ghostbusters”
  16. “The Incredibles”
  17. “The Goonies”
  18. “Field of Dreams”
  19. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
  20. “Jaws”
  21. “Independence Day”
  22. “Spider-Man”
  23. “Big”
  24. “Gremlins”
  25. “Iron Man”

Here at the Rockhouse we're mostly ok with it down to about No. 19 since we wouldn't mind scratching "Jaws," particularly to replace it with "Second-Hand Lions" and the movie deserves a higher position as well.  "Jaws" is worthless for creating a false fear and also because it's based on a false premise since the shark owns the water so we're just food.

"Independence Day" is ludicrous but it's big fun doing it.  "Spider-Man" is just ludicrous but kids like weird from the comics.  "Big" isn't one I would watch with a kid because I didn't like it and parents are basically unfair plus I would be concerned about it scrambling the little rotter who has enough trouble already figuring out what he is ... but mostly because I didn't like the movie.
"Gremlins" was ok but "Iron Man" was likely the best of the comics movies.

Most of the movies listed seem aimed to a kid who is quite young since so many are relatively trivial.  "Forrest Gump" is one which is probably too advanced for a kid who gets off on "Toy Story" or animated piffle of that nature.  I couldn't click with that one at all but I found "Shrek" kind of interesting and would watch that one with a kid.
"Rocky" would never start.  Violence as a form of professional amusement is not acceptable for watching with my kid.  I would not permit it.
"Avatar" has themes I consider wholesome as in resisting the dominating state and within an exceptionally beautiful setting emphasizing oneness with Nature.
"The Lion King" was ok but my expectation is it would only appeal to relatively-young kids who would be extremely difficult for me to grok.
"The Karate Kid" focuses also on violence but this one is more about dealing with a bully so it would get a viewing with my kid.  That would be a great 'don't be a pussy' lesson and the gender of my kid would make no difference for that.
"Home Alone" is one which is like biting aluminum foil for me, I hated it.  The movie must be fun for kids so I would grit my teeth and review it with the little tyke if demanded.
"Ghostbusters" has got to be in the list but no idea about "The Incredibles" while "Field of Dreams" gives all kinds of great lessons plus feels wonderfully good.  Ferris Bueller shows us great lack of respect for authority and we always appreciate that in a kid.

If I'm limited to movies for only a young kid then it would be difficult to do much of this.  Sometimes people have said I would be a good father but that's bullshit since I would have hated a lot of it.  That's not to say there's anything wrong with any aspect of parenting but rather I never envisioned it as the product of my life or even part of it so I would have resented it and no chance resentment leads to good parenting.  I would have sucked at it (larfs).
The main thing is to get that plug into it for "Second-Hand Lions" as that one may be the best to watch with a kid, even a young one.


Kannafoot said...

Star Wars” -- Hated it when I saw it, hate it today, wouldn't watch it.
“E.T.” -- Hated it when I saw it, hate it today, wouldn't watch it.
“Jurassic Park” -- Loved it. Would watch with "the kid."
“Forrest Gump” -- Hated it. The story, the message, the acting. Hated it.
“Toy Story” -- Loved it. Would watch with "the kid."
“Shrek” -- Hated it. No clue why, I just couldn't get into it.
“Rocky” -- Loved it. Probably too slow moving for a kid, though. (You would not have survived in my house. Grew up watching the Friday night fights with my grandfather. Have loved boxing since I was pre-school.)
“Avatar” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“The Lion King” -- Never saw it.
“Raiders of the Lost Ark” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“Finding Nemo” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“Back to the Future” -- Loved 1 and 3, hated 2. Would watch with the kid.
“The Karate Kid” -- Meh. Can take it or leave it.
“Home Alone” -- Loved the story line, hate McCauley Culkin.
“Ghostbusters” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“The Incredibles” -- Never saw it.
“The Goonies” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“Field of Dreams” -- Loved it. Would likely bore the kid to tears.
“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“Jaws” -- Loved it. Kid would have to be 10+ to watch it.
“Independence Day” -- Hated it. Wouldn't watch it again.
“Spider-Man” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“Big” -- Hated it. Wouldn't watch it again.
“Gremlins” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.
“Iron Man” -- Loved it. Would watch with the kid.

Unknown said...

How about "Second-Hand Lions" as that one gets at least five stars from the Rockhouse. Features Michael Caine and Robert Duvall and they absolutely kill it.

Kannafoot said...

I never saw it, probably because of the title. It reminds me of "Paper Lion" which was an excellent book but a horrendous movie.

Unknown said...

There is great irony in the title as these guys are old enough to be second-hand but there's nothing second hand about them and a real lion comes into the story to ensure you get it. I may have to watch it again for the tremendous coolness of it.

Anonymous said...

Try Big Fish loved it with the kids, whole whopper thing reminds me of Alex. Andy

Unknown said...

That one was grand as well as the best storytellers are always the ones who know a lot of whoppers. I couldn't see watching that with Disney-age kids, tho. I don't know much (i.e. almost nothing) about kids but I'd guess nine or ten before they could grok fillums like that. I don't think I would have much luck relating to them any younger than that.

Anonymous said...

My meaning was how many of Alex's whoppers were indeed true. Andy

Unknown said...

I've never been sure of what really happened in his Army time. My favorite was when he said he led a whole convoy of trucks off the road.