Sunday, March 5, 2017

Yosemite Sam Knows How to Deal with Donald Trump

"When I say whoa, I mean WHOA!" - Yosemite Sam

Novitiate:  I should hit him on the head with the butt of a long gun to get him to whoa and I should hit him in the ass when I want him to go?


Donald Trump's ideas have no more relevance to the modern world than automotive inner tubes and I know some of you remember those.  It's been quite a while, hasn't it.

Novitiate:  Donald Trump is the political equivalent of eight-track tape?

You may make it yet, Young Sprout.

The dream world for these Republicans is pre-FDR when there wasn't much in the way of public benefits, there no were no unions, and pensions didn't exist.  It's more accurate to say Trump's the political equivalent of a Victrola.

It may be true that such programs can be eliminated and yet people will live better but it's bullshit to even talk about such hypotheticals while also spending half a trillion a year on the military and the intention to spend more.

Novitiate:  hit him on the head to make him whoa?

Go for it.

It may well be true in the pure environment that the economy would work just fine without such programs.  However, if Republicans will really be purists, the income tax didn't start until the Twentieth century and they will want to throw out the Federal Reserve Bank system as well.  Right now it looks like sometimes they want to play 78 rpm records on their Victrolas and also they want to play CDs on it so that lot is looking mighty confused.

Note:  I'm not forgetting children working in coal mines so I have no reason to believe life without federal protection, at least in matters such as that, would be better.  It definitely wasn't the last time.

"When I say whoa, I mean WHOA!" - Yosemite Sam

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