Friday, March 3, 2017

Wide World of Ithaka Sports Goes to Laconia for Snowmobile Waterskiing Competition

Unlike the early Volkswagen Beetle for $1599, snowmobiles do not float ... but that doesn't stop people in Laconia from trying and the gendarmes are not pleased.

Note:  during the Sixties, VW ran an ad for the Beetle which said simply, "It's $1599 and it floats."

Go ahead and laugh but look at how many they sold of one of the worst-polluting vehicles which was ever built.

Ed:  hippies are such hypocrites!

Take it easy, Donald, since no-one really knew what to do about air pollution at that time and the catalytic converter hadn't even been invented yet.  Of course, if you were President at that time, Donnie Boy, it never would have been invented, would it.

If your snowmobile is powerful enough and has the right kind of skis on it then it's possible to keep it above water for great distances ... even pulling a waterskier.  Cops are not amused.  (Laconia Daily Sun: THRILL RIDE DRAWS POLICE ATTENTION)

Ed: you're making this up!

Oh, really.

These screenshots are from a YouTube video showing the snowmobile pulling a person on water skis through the Weirs Channel.


Ed:  how can I tell if that's a snowmobile.  It might be the top of a submarine for all I know!

Well, there has been a large problem with submarines in New Hampshire rivers, hasn't there.


Ed:  so the good news is there is validation and the bad news is they're busted

Yep.  The cop was funny, tho, as he said he was worried about a kid with a snowmobile and waterskis trying this.  Unknown how many toddlers have access to such things but it's always a risk, isn't it.


Anonymous said...

They actually race snowmobiles on water as a sanctioned sport. if you ever been on a powder sled the acceleration is incredible. Andy

Unknown said...

Thanks as I had no idea people do such things until I heard about this stunt and now I'm amazed how much there is of it. I guess the power to weight ratio must be as good or better than karts.

I just took a look at that IWA site and, yep, they're certifiable. It looks like GP bike racing except maybe less chance of getting dead ... maybe. Who comes up with such ideas!

Anonymous said...

Sport like this start with the infamous phrase

Hey watch this.
Usually said after multiple rounds of their favorite beverage