Tuesday, March 21, 2017

When Robo Fear Becomes a Measurable Phenomenon - Science

"Technophobes" -- people who fear robots, artificial intelligence and new technology that they don't understand -- are much more likely to be afraid of losing their jobs due to technology and to suffer anxiety-related mental health issues, a Baylor University researcher says.  (Science Daily:  People afraid of robots are much more likely to fear losing their jobs and suffer anxiety-related mental health issues, study finds)

Ed:  you're crazy scared of robos and warn about them frequently!

Nah, the alerts don't indicate fear and the regulars have seen I stay as well apprised of the capabilities of new robos and AI as I can manage.  If that which you see here on Ithaka can validly be called fear then Elon Musk shows it too.  (RT:  Elon Musk envisions human colonies ‘beyond Mars’, skyrocketing unemployment on Earth)

Ed:  fear is the mindkiller

Roger that

Here's another and Mark Cuban is not one I would typically quote but he has this one right.

Billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban tweeted recently that "Automation is going to cause unemployment and we need to prepare for it."

- SD

Anxiety about job loss to automation is nothing new, McClure said, noting that 19th-century textile workers in England destroyed new machines to protest against employers who used inventions that allowed for faster and cheaper labor by less-skilled workers. But some researchers in economics caution that the impact of robotics and artificial intelligence in the next several years will be much more rapid than job displacement of the past -- particularly for those with routine job responsibilities. Those potentially could span the blue- and white-collar divide, from truck drivers and warehouse workers to loan officers and paralegals, rather than manual laborers in non-routine jobs or workers in creative fields, McClure said.

- SD

Those estimations are correct and the regulars have seen multiple science reports on Ithaka to show the speed this is building.  Some have suggested my estimation needs to be more conservative but no-one has refuted the contention the robos will be the primary workforce; it's only a question of when.

While technology visionaries contend that new markets with new job opportunities have emerged and that developing countries will benefit economically, "many people in the United States suspect that technology will not deliver widespread financial security, nor will it be a panacea for the world's underprivileged," McClure said. "People in certain occupations may legitimately fear losing their jobs to robots and software that can work for cheaper and for longer hours than any human." While a transformation would most likely be gradual, it could trigger a major social unrest among those who are displaced from their jobs, McClure said. "Anticipating the individual and social outcomes is a matter worth pursuing," McClure said. "If these fears are misplaced, more research needs to be done to dispel technophobia as a legitimate social concern. "Regardless of whether technology might lead to certain people's jobs becoming obsolete, the fear itself is real."

- SD

The paper falls far short of the reality since there is no question of robos taking these jobs when they're doing them now.  Elon Musk really is a technological visionary and he takes a more dramatic view of it.

However, he warned that such ease may lead to a jobs issue in the space of just 20 years; one that could be replicated across many industries.

“I think [driving] might be the single largest employer of people. So we need to figure out new roles for what those people do but it will be very disruptive,” Musk said.

He added: “20 years is a short period of time to have about 12 to 15 percent of the workforce be unemployed.”

He said it is almost inevitable that there “will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot can not do better.”

“These are not things that I wish will happened, these are some of the things that I think probably will happen,” he said.

- RT

Here at the Rockhouse we see even this estimation as conservative since robo automation goes far beyond the construction of cars and driving them.

This is where it swings full Socialist since it goes to the Guaranteed Universal Income.  There's no need for the entire manifesto now since we see comments such as from Bill Gates that we need to tax robos to solve the problem.

In fact we need to tax ourselves to come up with much bigger thinking on how a society manages such a circumstance in which people want to work but the jobs don't exist.  Bill Gates and that kind of mechanistic thinking are entirely obsolete in the face of far bigger situations.  This is about cultural evolution and not some little league tax plan.

Take it away, Elon Musk.

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