Friday, March 3, 2017

Using McCarthyism as a Political Weapon Against Donald Trump

Sergey Lavrov said this hubbub about conversations between Trump's crew and Russians resembles McCarthyism but it's not just a resemblance; it is McCarthyism.  (RT:  ‘Like McCarthyism’: Lavrov slams US ‘witch hunt-like’ scrutiny of Russian ambassador’s contacts)

The hell of it is America has seen what this witch hunt did the last time and yet they willfully bring it on again.

With Russian Ambassador to the USA Sergey Kislyak’s contacts with members of the Trump administration under scrutiny, Moscow won’t apply a tit-for-tat approach to US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov promised.

Lavrov said the whole situation resembled the days of McCarthyism.

- RT

The stink being raised over this is being used to try to take down Attorney General Sessions and it's important to note the Rockhouse thinks he's the sorriest rat bait excuse for an AG we have seen in years but using McCarthyism to take him down is a bullshit way to do it which doesn't settle anything.

This type of chiseler politics has come very much into vogue as the current political art form in which you keep chiseling at the opponent until resistance disintegrates while there's never a heads-up discussion of anything.

Cadillac Man can likely give thunderous examples of this type of chiseling in the past but the interest is to the immediate because of the willful damage to process.  People have been trying to turn the selection of Trump's Cabinet into a national vote but it's not and the result has created plenty of chaff for MSM but hasn't yielded any result and the bigger matter is the destructiveness to the overall concept of democracy.

Ed:  you're the far left fanatic who wants to get with Nickelback to "Burn it to the Ground!"

I want to burn the Establishment to the ground but that's not the same as destroying America.  I absolutely believe the system can be fixed but there's so much money corrupting it that finding a way to that fix without gunfire is torturous.  You know the story that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Washington has that in many ways but they don't wield it well and they won't fix it because they're already corrupted.  We're the only ones who can do that but it has to be from the standpoint of offering something better rather than relentlessly attacking whatever you hate about whatever the other guy is doing.  As you've seen, the GOP has been warring against Obamacare for over eight years and yet when time comes to deliver an alternative we hear nothing but crickets.

Ed:  so what does the fanatical far left offer that's so damn good?

There's no need for the inventory since we have been through it before but the the one-payer health plan via universal Medicare is a great example.  We have seen how the high-level insurance providers reap outrageous profits and we know it can't help but be less expensive with a state-run system but the standard bugaboo in opposition is somehow the state will be more expensive and / or the systems won't run well.

Here at the Rockhouse, we submit the medical system doesn't work that well now when so many only get crisis care and there's rarely emphasis on prevention, wellness, etc.  We submit the Big Pharma system is just about as avaricious as it's possible to get and they reap far beyond any reasonable profits on things they often had nothing to do with developing but rather they buy patents for medicines and then skyrocket the prices.

Yes, we will do that better, one hell of a lot better.

Lotho used 'fanatic' some days ago as a descriptor and fair enough in the context he was using it but the word is still loaded since it carries negative connotation.  For example, if some kid plays a video came and really gets into one he plays then he puts it away, you may think he's got some passion for doing it.  However, if he plays that game until the sun comes up, you will probably call him a fanatic.

In the larger view, it's the effort of some to convince belief all liberals are fanatics and are therefore most resembling of that loon who plays World of Tanks all night then goes to work sleepy as hell.  It's the same rubbishy kind of word gaming which is rampant in MSM but that goes into the sermon about "Brave New World" which is beyond the current game.


Cadillac Man said...

I agree that just talking to the Russian Ambassador seems trivial. However, there is reason for concern when high level cabinet members involved with national security lie to a bi-partisan Congressional committee. In the instance of Flynn, he also lied to his boss the Vice President, a member of his own party. It was Donald Trump, the President, that fired Flynn because he said he no longer could trust him. So, obviously there is a concern at the executive level, as well. Why are they lying?
Now, Jeff Sessions has recused himself in any investigations which may occur regarding statements he had no contact with the Russians. This should blow over, if this is an honest mistake as he has indicated. If not, he will be investigated further. This is normal protocol in almost any organization, let alone the highest levels of national government. Hyperbole, such as comparing this to McCarthyism or calling for Jeff Sessions to resign is premature. Hopefully, the facts will be determined quickly and the truth will be told.

Unknown said...

This doesn't seem much different from the handling of Clinton's cigar. When they couldn't bust him for what he did, they nailed him for lying to Congress or something of that nature.

I'm not at all backing off from accusations of McCarthyism since this is just one piece of an ongoing onslaught of rubbishy crap about Russia with the golden showers episode giving all the class to it anyone could ever need.

I'd expect better behavior from cheerleaders deciding who needs to be the squad's captain and I bet that's a psychodrama that's just not to be missed.

Cadillac Man said...

I respect your point that there is partisan hysteria going on. The recent call for Jeff Sessions to resign by some Democratics is exemplary.

However, your comparisons of this specific situation and McCarthy still seems premature. For example, McCarthy claimed he had proof of high level government and business officials being communists. Despite congressional hearings and intimidation there was little actual proof ever presented to support these accusations. In this specific case, there haven't even been Congressional hearings on the specific issue of why they lied. They themselves have already admittted that they did lie because there was supported proof submitted.

You make a comparison to Clinton's cigar and Congress nailing him for lying. I don't understand how this relates to this specific situation or McCarthyism. Congress hasn't "busted" anyone for anything yet. Only President Trump has busted Flynn for lying and no longer being trustworthy.

You make reference to golden showers. Unlike McCarthyism, at this point there are no Congressional hearings scheduled regarding Donald Trump or this matter. It seems this is considered to be an irresponsible allegation much like the one that Obama was not a citizen. Regardless, this does not have any direct relationship to the two cabinet members who admit to lying regarding having spoke to the Russian Ambassador.

I first studied the McCarthy period in high school, then college and again recently. McCarthy used fear of Russia and communism against his personal and political enemies. As you point out he caused much pain for the country and the lives he destroyed without cause. He was ultimately destroyed personally and politically and is generally held in distain historically.

The specific situation here is different as it is backed not merely with allegations but with facts. There is a bi-partisan concern which may call for further investigation based on the question, not accusation, Why did they lie? It is premature to call this McCarthysm.

Unknown said...

I don't know that I have a partisan engagement since I don't accept the existing parties and that's because of what I see as an extended McCarthyism which 'turned legit' much like the Godfather insofar as it learned the anti-Russian charges need to be made via 'unnamed sources,' etc, etc.

In my life, I don't believe I've ever seen anything positive about Russia due to an assiduous determination to sustain McCarthyism and to vilify anything the world which is even left-leaning. They got much more slick about it but the intention never changed to destroy Russia.

How about this one: the NSA is Joe McCarthy with computers.