Thursday, March 9, 2017

Researchers Find a Better Way to Soak Up Oil Spills - Science

Ryan Zinke, Trump's Secretary of the Interior, has announced the intention to despoil seventy-three million acres in the Gulf of Mexico by opening it for oil drilling and doing even more damage than BP did some years ago.  (RT:  Dept of Interior to lease 73mn acres of Gulf of Mexico for oil drilling)

Note:  all of that is on Federal land (i.e. your land).

Just in time for oil spills coming in the Trumpian Age of Extended Corporate Abuse, we have a new and improved method for soaking up the oil with an unusual type of sponge.  (Science Daily:  Reusable sponge created that soaks up oil)

Oleo Sponge can be wrung out, the oil collected, and the material reused -- it has stood up to dozens of cycles so far without breaking down.

Credit: Mark Lopez/Argonne National Laboratory

Science can't fix all of the things avaricious, abusive, and indifferent Republicans unleash on the world but it appears to be making some progress toward dealing with their incessant oil spills.

When the Deepwater Horizon drilling pipe blew out seven years ago, beginning the worst oil spill in U.S. history, those in charge of the recovery discovered a new wrinkle: the millions of gallons of oil bubbling from the sea floor weren't all collecting on the surface where it could be skimmed or burned. Some of it was forming a plume and drifting through the ocean under the surface.

Now, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have invented a new foam, called Oleo Sponge, that addresses this problem.  The material not only easily absorbs oil from water, but is also reusable and can pull dispersed oil from the entire water column -- not just the surface.

- SD

The disaster with the Deepwater Horizon caused incredible damage so, naturally, Trump wants more of it but there's only so much which can be done to repair the damage those willful barbarians will do and have done already.  Nothing is holding these rapacious environmental vandals in check since Obama didn't do it and there's no chance Trump will even try.

The beauty part is America doesn't even need the oil.  The country is not dependent on foreign oil and, in fact, has been bottoming the price of global oil sales through the introduction of so much oil from fracking.  (RT:  Crude crashes 5% to hover above $50, tests 2016 lows)

Presumably, America is squandering its fortune in yet another way since keeping the price on oil low prevents Russia from making Saudi dollars on it.  No value is achieved out of that except for the delicate raincoat warriors in the CIA and no-one needs those soulless demons.

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