Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Rockhouse is Bugged by Cannabis Psychologists - Now w/pic

It seems one thing you can really be sure you will get from non-stoners is knowing advice on what ganja does to you.  There's no need to ridicule that idea since it's ridiculous just writing it.

Then comes the delight which invariably comes from upper management when they come to 'help solve a problem' but really they only present some face time to the troops because they think it means something.

'Help me understand,' they say and all groan because all know there's no way in hell they will ever understand and it would be better if they simply left so you can solve the problem.

It's because, you know, sometimes it makes me feel like Jesus.

Ed:  that must be some gonzo ganja!

I'm tellin' you, mate.

I'm over that now, tho.  Really.

Now I want to be a penguin.  I know four or so are taking the Little Fairy Princess to visit the sea dragons and they will be resplendent in full penguin regalia.

Ed:  you know, I'm getting tired of this old man stoner bullshit!

Um, tell you what, Dagwood.  This one is true.  Look for it in the Newport Aquarium but it may have happened already.  I have a pic but I'm not sure if it's ok to post since I'm not sure if 'usable' means it's ok to throw it up here on Ithaka where the Russians will see it.

That's important.  Be ever vigilant.  They hacked the election.  There's no telling what they will do next.  It seems fairly clear they have been tilting Grammy's in favor of Kanye West for some while as well.  Where will it end.

The pic is ultra cool and I'm talkin' adults in full-size outfits doing the dancing penguin vibe excellently.  The Little Fairy Princess is six, maybe seven, now so she will be trippin' for sure.

Ed:  I thought you are the Crazy One?

I didn't think it for some while but I've definitely got a lock on the Crazy One of the family ... that's not for lack of competition from my sibs, however.

You know, if you're not going to make a spectacle, why even show up.  Am I right?

Ed:  ganja did that to you!

Nah, life did that to me.  Ganja just makes it funny.


So you thought I was making it up.  Well ...

One of them did those paintings but that may not surprise you.  Life wants to get out and be something.  Let it!  You can see they do.


Anonymous said...

It is the events that matter The stuff is just there

Unknown said...

This one looks like it will be grand!