Friday, December 16, 2016

In Case You Didn't Believe About Lampchop

Mystery Lady is probably at the bottom of this and the stuff which has been lost has been a bitch but maybe it surprises you the things which haven't.  She's up on a mantel back there with Opus where they overlook things.

That's important because sometimes things get confused.

I discovered the source of the problem some time last night.  There's a tree growing out of my head.

Ed:  you don't look like you're at death's door

I ain't or no sooner than I can help it.

It's Christmas so I'm supposed to be buying things and I did with things which needed to be bought.  After I bagged the purple fedora and the purple boa, it still seemed like there's something else which will add to the Christmas vibe.

Ed:  wait, wait,  if you please.  What's this about a fedora and a boa?  With those and the second-hand tux will you play Liza Minelli?

Nope.  I don't have a cane.  This is more like the Aging Freak playing an androgynous vibe long after that time has passed.

Ed:  androgyny is so fashionable now!

Yah.  That's why it isn't cool anymore.

Ed:  so why do it?

The colors, man.  The colors.

I know there are ten minutes of jams in me so that means there are ten minutes in the tux so suit up and do it.  Maybe one day to get the cams set to do it and then do it the next or some such.

Ed:  promises, promises.  We still haven't seen Mister Toad's Wild Ride Part 2!

Nope, you sure haven't.  See, the problem here is you is in a hurry and I ain't.  Put yourself in the islands.  Everything happens when it happens because that's when it's supposed to happen and we don't always happen to know when that will be ... as it happens.

Ed:  slacker!

Yep (larfs)

Update:  there was a question about a highly-colorful parrot and, verily, here is the parrot.

The parrot is well over twenty-years-old and may even be around thirty.  Of course it came from a Jimmy Buffet concert and Mystery Lady was in on it too.  Now it has become an heirloom of deep cosmological significance.


Anonymous said...

What! no colourful parrot?

Unknown said...

The colorful parrot is on the mike stand. Ha! (larfs)

Unknown said...

I updated the post to include the parrot. Finally there is order in the world.

Anonymous said...

...A little faded from time.. but still hangin' in there..but shit! arent we all!! :)

Unknown said...

Sure we are! We're a little beat-up here and there but still functional. Yahoo!