Thursday, December 15, 2016

Getting a Toothbrush for Christmas

Mother gives Junior a toothbrush for Christmas and smiles, ever so maternally, as she tells him, "Son, regular use of this will prevent tens of thousands of dollars in dental bills in your life."

Junior takes one look and throws a tantrum in which the toothbrush gets chucked into the the toilet while he wails, "I hate you!  What I really wanted was NFL Football for my Playstation 4!"

Oh God, how I wish there had been children in my life.

Christmas 2016 presents the opportunity to give myself a toothbrush since one disk drive failed a month or so back and it had been so wonky for so long I disconnected it but still have it because of the thinking, 'surely some outfit recycles these things.'

On balance, I can't open the drive anymore so I can't even come close to zeroing the contents.  That means follow the security rules and smash it to prevent reading.  That's one hugely ugly rule for a zillion reasons but we also know the ugly people who would go after that data aren't Russian and we don't want such people anywhere near our stuff.

Therefore, there's a replacement 4 TB drive from Western Digital which matches the one here already.  With that one in place for $126, it becomes the Time Machine backup for the existing drive and also the internal drive.

And that's why it's a toothbrush because that's all it will ever do.

Ed:  that's true right up until another disk failure.

Roger that, Cap'n.

- Insert long, boring editorial on oh, oh, oh, I spent decades in which a large emphasis was air-tight data backup for large-scale systems and still data could get lost sometimes so backup is vital -

We can move up to the existential and what good is backing up videos, etc when I probably won't work on them but that's the tunnel for Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.  Screw that as we don't want the tunnel in which we will likely be eaten by a grue.

Ed:  what's a grue?

Dunno but I do know you never want to run into one.

This isn't completely whining since, thanks to Lotho, it's possible to make the move and quickly get the problem covered but ...

Ed:  first you need to whine a little?

That does appear to be the case, yes.

Since nothing is coming at me on a speeding locomotive, this one will keep until morning.

Ed:  on your schedule, it's morning right now!

Morning is whenever I can't go back to sleep and evening is whenever I can't stay awake.  It's like being on the International Space Station here in the Rockhouse since those situations occur more than once each day.  The astronauts see another sunrise every ninety minutes but that schedule is a wee bit compressed for application down here.

Johnny:  but Yevette is getting a computer soon and I just get a boring disk drive!

Mother:  if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm getting the duct tape.

Relax, Mother Goose.  I have zero children.

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