Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Yeah, Yeah, the Fix is In ... Deal with It

For the next fifty years, the Sanderistas will be whining about how Hillary Clinton stole the election from Bernie Sanders just like George Bush stole a different election from Al Gore.  The Trumpadores seem resigned, tho, as they have realized, yep, he's an idiot.

We do admire the stunt, tho, as even the GOP was never so brazen as to send a President around to see the Attorney General and, in two days, the investigation was dropped.  We old, cynical geezers so we have had ample opportunities to observe Washingtonian corruption and this prank really took it to the nadir.  The GOP will have to update all its textbooks.

That was barefaced gall such as we have never seen before and here's a hat tip on that.  Even Chicago falls to its knees in reverence for this one.  We are not worthy, we are not worthy.

We saw today Hillary Clinton is campaigning with the Presidential seal as part of it and many are offended but, wtf, it's not like anything else about her is real.   Fookin' deal with it (larfs).

One of the best things about elections is trying to convert Christians the way they try to convert us and, man, they fucking hate it.  This just gets me crying with laughter because they just don't get it.  From this we surmise algebra is not taught much in Christian schools.

For a sixties kid with basic algebra from school, the new computer languages were a radical revolution.  In school we learned if A equals B and B equals C then C equals A ... but, noooo, not with computers because A might not have equalled B previously but it does after the statement.

For a simple algebra kid, this is breathtaking.  A doesn't equal B, man?  Fo' real?  So six really can be nine?

(Ed:  it can be anything you want, li'l tadpole)

From that we learned the best part of learning rules is in breaking them but people seem generally so reluctant to do that.  American politics are religion and that's a hackneyed theme but it's novel when the religion revolves around institutional corruption and God always has his fingers in the cookie jar.

We love it when religion and politics start arguing because you can't just have God on your team, you have to have the most God.  Man, I have so much God and religion on this team, I may just get a blessing from the Pope.

(Ed:  the only one who did that got kicked out!)

Details, details.  Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.  Always with the negative waves.

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