Monday, July 18, 2016

Haggling With the Cadillac Man About Clinton vs Trump

Cadillac Man doesn't get pissed and he doesn't shout so these make him highly-interesting for conversation.

The modern way is to cry and accuse, "You meant that about me, didn't you?"

Um, consider the possibility you weren't interesting enough to be worth insulting, darlin'.

He's not necessarily admiring of my rigid political positions but he appreciates that I hold them and he understands a whole lot of spiteful bitches will hate me for it.  Both of us understand one thing comes as you get older:  you realize hateful bitches don't mean doodley squat.  You always keep your focus on the good ones and that's why the gig tomorrow night.  It's also why the blog hasn't folded.

This led up to a discussion about the relative dangers of Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton and my position generally has been it's a wash between them for relative threats to the planet so voting is pointless since both are just berserkers in suits.

Cadillac Man is clear on the device being used generally by Clinton with threats of voting for Trump means ants will eat your brain, assuming they haven't already.  Nevertheless, he's generally accepting of the premise Donald Trump is a rolling cannon and is therefore dangerous.

Here are some bullets from the rebuttal:

Nuke War

Obama has been holding a dick measuring contest with Putin for over a year now and he's been spending money like a drunken schoolboy who just broke up with his girlfriend.  The aggressive provocation of Russia for reasons which make sense to no-one have moved America back to the brink of a nuclear war.  He's living out the complete white boy fantasy.

(Ed:  maybe you didn't notice but he's black)

Thanks for getting the point, honey.

Note:  we love the cop he seems to use each time of, well, I had to make some hard compromises (i.e. he got screwed again).

You will often hear an alternative in the corporate world of, well, it was political.  It means the same thing of 'I got screwed.'

Obama does the same thing in the South China Sea and from that we see he's a predictable bloke if not particularly brave in standing up to mindless aggression from war hawks.  Face it as Japan has almost no natural resources and it's going to die over the long run anyway.  They have no oil or gas so they build nukes and they did a peach of a job with that, didn't they.

As you may recall, Japan's need for oil was why they were in WWII and it just tickles us no end to see Japan moving toward a more militarized position as its back gets pushed more and more to the wall for resources.

Bombing Libya into the Stone Age

Clinton was in the thick of this with Obama and this was yet another white boy fantasy which extends the Bush / Cheney fantasy in bombing Iraq in the first place.  Clinton was therefore the second-rate surrogate to the second-rate derivative of a second-rate fantasy.  She was fully cooperative and enthusiastic, however, and insists to this day Libya was a success.  Bush claims Iraq was a success as well.  Mission accomplished.

Yeah, right.

This is not the debating club so no need for the full transcript.  Those points alone demonstrate the clear and present danger inherent in a Clinton Presidency as we take nuclear weapons seriously even when Washington does not.

Conversely, Trump talks like he just discovered how to blow smoke rings from his backside about how he will 'glass the Middle East' but he's surprisingly coherent about Russia and NATO.  We conclude from his blather that, yep, it's mostly blather and that just makes him just one more out of a cast of thousands of Washingtonian bullshitters, none of whom are dangerous because they never do anything.  Besides, the GOP already placed their stooge beside him and if Trump does anything exceedingly stupid then Pence will probably stab him.

The GOP made the right choice as Pence is the perfect Vice Presidential wallflower without substantive positions and a life of public service which never created anything.

It's reading between the lines to infer any reticence to criticize Obama is based on the perception it's racist but he's clear I see nothing racist in it.  He's a President and this is the same deal as football:  you make the cut or you don't make the team.  Black, white, or purple makes no difference whatsoever, and an FDR or an Eisenhower he ain't.  Don't get too weepy as only two Presidents in over a century have been worthy of that class of Presidency and, gasp, amazingly enough Reagan wasn't one of them.

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