Tuesday, July 19, 2016

More Love in the Cemetery from Last Night w/Pics

Sometimes these gigs get dangerous and invoking the dead will bring a measure of peril, along with the walking dead ... a lot of them.  That led to more dead people who, regrettably, were not walking.

Dead people courtesy of SaveMe Oh, President of Fish

They don't dare touch Cat, tho

Woe be unto the demon who disturbs those lustrous locks.  It looks like it's a bit late for the guy next to her, tho.  R.I.P, buddy.

(Ed:  why do Yanks call everyone 'buddy?')

Because it's better than going 'hey, asshole.'

I was watching earlier, for a while, a movie with Anne Hathaway and, lo and behold, here she is.  This wasn't even the same look from this morning for the sound check and Cat changes constantly but she always somehow looks like Cat.  Anne Hathaway should get the tats.  They would make her much cooler.

Pictures were shot by Seicorde and thanks for coming to the show and the bizarro pics.  They're fantastic in the best sense of fantastic.

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