Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Looks Like a Music Day

The last few days have been covering shows for Cat and she's offline because a bear ate her computer.  Maybe it was a lynx as Cat is still pissed because they shot the last bear in Bavaria.  They hadn't been around for years but a big ol' bear lumbered into Bavaria from somewhere.  They hunted that ol' boy down and shot him.  Mention that to Cat and I ga-ron-tee she will go from calm to furious like she's riding a NASA launch vehicle.

I'm right there with her on that as why in the world would you kill the beast when you could knock him out to relocate him.  I don't know if it was a him but who wants to get close enough to a bear to find out.

(Ed:  because it ate her computer!)

Well, there is that.

Right now she can only use a computer on a submarine and response time is sub-optimal but she hopes to get online for real by Friday.  Meanwhile I have been covering her and I imagine a whole lot of Clintonistas are calling me a misogynistic piece of shit just now but Cat thinks I'm kind of wonderful, deluded as she may be, and that works just fine.

It's the same as with Alan Rickman in "Galaxy Quest" and saying 'the show must go on' finishes any discussion.  It must go on!

The shows were announced on Facebook along with the statement I would not play and that seemed important lest it seem I hang about wistfully hoping someone would ask.  That was cool and one more tomorrow but nothing happens today so that makes it a music day here.  It gets all jumbled when I listen to a lot of jams and then I play; I need to sound vac my mind or something to get it happenin'.

In fact, I'm curious for a stream check to validate levels.  It gets recorded anyway as soon as I start a stream but the extra benefit is this will let me see the waveform to let me know how close it's dialed.  If the thinking is completely correct then that should make it immaculate with not many or none of the peaks hitting the red.

Yah, dat's a plan and that works this afternoon.

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