Saturday, July 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Obama's and Nuke War

Trying to say I want a nuke war is ludicrous after Obama has been playing bumper cars with Russia ever since Croatia.  That fool has been sending US Navy vessels to the Black Sea to 'stabilize the region' but it's not America's region to stabilize and these overt efforts to destabilize the balance of power can only have one outcome; throughout all history, that's always come out the same.

It's a remarkable situation after the Democrats became the Republicans while the GOP became a bunch of yapping dogs with nothing much to say about anything except we hate you.  The rich have been hating us for a long time so Trump doesn't even bring novelty.  Both parties compete to discover which one has the largest population of shallow, heartless pricks.

Meanwhile, the Soviet Union became Russia and found civilization while the US became the Soviet Union with all the things they said was terrible about that state.  America now has the ultra-militarized police force.  It has so much state monitoring happening, if you see a camera in a toilet, you don't know if it's a pervert peeper or the state doing what it now always does.  The country has also left a trail of smoking rubble everywhere it has gone for the last sixteen years.

Obama was responsible for making all of those situations worse.  He is specifically responsible for the huge increase in surveillance of civilians.  He is specifically responsible for the biggest militarization of the police force in American history.  He is also specifically responsible for pushing the NDAA, doing nothing about he Patriot Act, and, in general, been support of police state legislation.

The civil rights party has taken actions which got eleven hundred civilians killed last year and six hundred more this year.  If Hillary Clinton brings more of that, America will have to start taking refugees seriously so she has more people to shoot.

It's no wonder Clinton says little about her record or that of Obama as any reasonable person would be ashamed of it.  So, yeah, Trump Off.  How fucking eloquent.

We have watched the biggest TV heroes of the left rolling over faster than Tijuana hookers and we saw Jon Stewart with his anti-Trump monologue which said, between the line, fracking is good and I fully support Clinton's plans for more anonymous bombing, assassination, and regime change.

Funny stuff in the convention, if any, will be hearing the stream of weasel words from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

Warren says, forget all that stuff I said about corrupt banks and Wall Street.  Clinton does all that stuff and it's A-OK now, buddy.

Sanders says, remember when I wanted to pull out of the Middle East.  Well, now I say fuck it and I don't care how many refugees drown in the Med or how many more attacks there are in Europe.  I support Clinton's plan to continue bombing and hunting Assad like she plays for the Dallas Safari Club.

I'm the bad guy?  Really?  So, uh, what precisely are you doing to prevent this horror from disgracing America for another eight years.  It sure as hell isn't Trump so that, presumably, leaves you in the same situation as I with no party to support and the only action to wait for the bombs to start falling here.

My action isn't to wait for that but rather to watch movies and play when possible.  If Obama's war starts at the end of a set, so be it.  The finale would be cool but don't even think of trying to blame that on me.  I could have sucked my way out of my current situation effortlessly just by kowtowing to pseudo-liberal pigs but I won't have anything to do with those savages.

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