Monday, July 25, 2016

The Revolution is Just a Name but the Resistance is Forever

When the Revolution fails, there's only one answer:  find another one.  The Resistance is the Power while the Revolution is never more than the Vehicle.

The Resistance has to be forever because we're the only integrity left.  Face it, you're the last wizard.

We will resist to our dying gasps ...

- militarization of the police toward the obvious conclusion in an Orwellian state, much of which exists already

- provocation of nuclear war or any kind of overt imperialism

- unfair treatment to anyone

- corporate-sponsored slavery

- state-controlled news

- illegal behavior by the government or anyone in it

- any engagement by the state with religion either to endorse it or suppress it

 and all of those problems exist in America right now.  The Establishment won't do anything about them so we either keep the Resistance alive or the other choices suck in ways impossible to describe.

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