Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mom, God Loves Me and Sent Me Some Skyline Chili

Then a package showed up on the porch, all hippie wrapped with love and peace around it.  I couldn't tell at first who sent it but after starting into the advanced surgery needed to get through all the wrapping, I discovered it came from the Mystery Lady.

Thank you, Mystery Lady!

I continued peeling this package and it was kind of puzzle for how the hell to get that part off but that revealed another package with Organization for the Blind or something and the thought, whoa, this is starting to get strange.  I kept peeling away and it was kind of like those Russian dolls with one inside the other because I revealed a final package but still couldn't tell what was in it.

Then it was revealed ... four packages of Skyline Chili and they can be microwaved in ninety seconds.  Wow.

Mystery Lady, I love your generosity but you seriously shouldn't have spent the money.  You know you shouldn't so I'll tell you thanks so much since one of those packages will be lucky to survive ninety seconds on the shelf before it gets nuked.  You know the craving!

I guess it's been five years since I have tasted this stuff and Texas chili is such worthless rat puke.

Got to do it ... (pause) ...

Bliss!  Skyline Chili is the finest in the known Universe.  Thank you, thank you!

Unknown about phone plans for today but Yevette is crashed so a call may be improbable.  I'm listening but that thing is hard to catch from back here.

Wow, wow, wow, who needs caviar when you have Skyline Chili.

Your card, as always, goes past anything anyone would expect and the new colors make the most extraordinary effect.

Thank you!

Update:  Yevette is now in a non-crashed situation so maybe a call would work.  I have to cover a show for Cat after she broke her PC and that's about 4:30 pm your time.  The computer is supposed to be fixed tomorrow and no shows scheduled anyway so that could be the best shot.


Anonymous said...

Reserve one pack for the recipe I wrote inside the card. You will like very much I think and Yvette thought it sounded pretty good. So glad it made it there!!
Enjoy! Enjoy! ML

Unknown said...

No doubt about enjoying it as one pack didn't last too long. Thank you again!

The card is an arm's reach away and the recipe looks spectacular. I struck out on the last of the Vegemite yesterday and this arrived today. Wow!