Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Appalling Failure of Liberal News Commentators

This week has seen the Kings of Liberalism rolling over, one after the other, for Clinton dollars.  Colbert was lost as soon as he went to his new NBC masters and he's been reading a script ever since.  This week Jon Stewart did that too and NBC had exactly the same effect which permitted him to deliver nothing more cogent than Trump Off.

Really, Jon?

The last one left is John Oliver and tonight is the highlight of the week because for quite some time because he's the only one of the TV talking heads who comes anywhere close to truth.  However, he and his staff have been off for a few weeks before, I guess, beginning a new season.  It's now midnight East coast time so perhaps that's enough time to get tonight's show online.

It's a delight with each new show as his investigations are all so detailed and unbribed.  The biggest hope for the show this week is he covers anything except that travesty of a Democratic convention.

We do admire Debbie Wasserman Schultz as that one set fire to the Democratic Party on the night before the convention and that may be a first in political history for anyone ever doing something so stupid and destructive.  Nevertheless, we still don't want it in John Oliver's show.  We want interesting and the conventions specifically don't qualify.

This is the online television I ever watch because it doesn't have the moronic yak monkeys who fill most so-called news with endlessly meaningless trivia.  Who gives a shit what they did in Benghazi after Obama and Clinton destroyed the entire country.  No matter how expensive the designer hairstyle, they're still yak monkeys with nothing useful to say and they're sexy like fucking another species.

But Bonobo apes really turn me on.  I get naked and clean my guns while I watch them.

Update:  no sign as yet but here's Trae the Liberal Redneck on making America white again.

So make it two TV talking heads who haven't become state-sponsored bullshit artists.  I left him out up top but he's brilliantly succinct and he deserved mention as well.

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