Sunday, July 31, 2016

Talking with Cadillac Man About the State of Things

Cadillac Man doesn't go apoplectic in talking of such things in the way of the Facebookers and that may go some distance why I enjoy talking with Cadillac Man and wouldn't waste a second on most Facebookers.

While Facebookers are typically binary and polarized with less imagination than a car battery, Cadillac Man continues considering things.  The largest consideration is whether working within the system has any positive value.  After that crooked horror ate Sanders for lunch, we fail to see any merit in working within the system but that's the consideration for Cadillac Man in asking whether there's any real point to trying that.

Cadillac Man and I saw all of it from JFK to Nixon and all the depravity in-between.  Although Cadillac Man has a superlative knowledge of American history, he may need to further review the corruption around the LBJ administration as there's been quite a bit of whitewashing including an "LBJ" movie in the run-up to Clinton.  Find any reference to Gulf of Tonkin in that, if you possibly can.  It's a total whitewash.

Although we didn't get into it, there's the policy of 'regime change' which Clinton continues to advocate and it's the same reason Republicans consider voting for her (seriously).  They know she will continue the killing and I'm sure you do as well but they don't believe any of it and neither do I that any of her campaign promises mean anything more than something the neighbor's dog left on your lawn.

If'n that's unfair, maybe you remember Obama saying he would pull of out Iraq and Afghanistan.  Right.  Total bullshit.  America has now been engaged over there for sixteen years and has accomplished nothing by that other than producing a bumper crop of terrorists which now plague Europe.

Just in case ISIS is the basis for consideration of Clinton, keep in mind on Friday they were ramping up a campaign about how often ISIS attacks but they stopped quickly when there were two independent shootings in Austin within a few minutes of each other.  Usually Chicago is Murder City with the biggest gunner body count in the week-end but Austin apparently wants to play too and none of that has anything whatever to do with ISIS.

The call also inadvertently revealed more than I like because I somehow activated video and it would have been jerky just to turn it off again.  Mystery Lady knew it from Friday that there's vicious coughing happening and it doesn't stop.  The quality of life is deep in the toilet but the reaction to that is to find anything in life which does not suck because the other choice is to go to Facebook and whine about it with all the others.  They don't know and, frankly, have no business knowing because ...

all together now ...

I don't give a fuck what they think ... except for less than half a dozen women and maybe four or five men as those ones clearly are sentient but the others are just hairy beasts in the monkey house flinging poo at each other.  Getting rid of the others is difficult because getting people off your friends list is harder than scraping barnacles off a boat.

Ah, there was one more item in Cadillac Man describing me as an activist but I sure don't feel like one.  My only purpose / wish / desire is to stop the wars and stop the killing.  I don't see anything even faintly radical or anything which would even require an activist to drive it but such is the (cough) modern world.

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