Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Dilemma of the Delight of the Data Dump, Audio in Nature

As promised, the audio from the concert at the MusikCircus on Monday night has been processed and, also as promised, I hate it but I did load it into a post-processor for some minimal clean-up with compression, a bit of reverb and some mild EQ.  I don't consider those kinds of edits to be 'lying' about the set but maybe purists would differ.

The problem isn't so much the estimable quality of my jams but rather the resulting AIFF audio file is almost a gigabyte while most MP3 audio files are maybe twenty megabytes, tops.  When the alternative is five hundred times smaller, there's a tiny problem.

Note:  I hate just about everything I ever did.  Macht nichts.

Mystery Lady, there's not currently a good answer and probably the only way to deliver it at the audio quality I want is to break it into pieces ... but ... that breaks the concert vibe to turn it into a jukebox.  This is not by any means abandoned as I won't start something if I won't take it seriously, I just don't have the best answer yet.

There's a most remarkable situation online in which social networks are reality and virtual networks such as Second Life are surreal unrealities.  In fact, it's the other way around since people on Facebook are constantly striking poses and are rarely intimate about anything whereas people in Second Life assume a pose because of the avatars so they go right past that to find more intimacy than you will ever find in text-based social networks.  Despite report, that intimacy isn't always sexual although it can be and that's yet another way the flat social networks aren't anywhere near the reality of human experience.

The reason that gets a mention is the audio from the show is a Big Deal while Facebook is still wrapped all around itself worrying whether Hillary Clinton wears underpants.  You don't care and I don't care but such things seem to fascinate them.  There are zero politics in Second Life, usually, and that's yet another vast improvement.

(Ed:  so it's basically music and sex?)

Right you are, Satchmo.  Have a ball.  What else is important in life anyway?

Oh, you're already gone (larfs).

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