Sunday, July 24, 2016

Caution: Because Sometimes It Gets That Way

One of the most aggressive acts of racism ever was the whitewashing of Barack Obama to absolve him of any Presidential sins.

He's the first black American President and it appears some try to make his legacy something other than what it was.  Maybe they tell us they 'do it for the children.'

There's no taking from Obama that he broke the door down.  It's just unfortunate the next one likely going through will be nothing more than a super-size bundle of bombastic blatherskite.

I'm frequently called 'misogynistic' by simple-minded online trollops none of whom have any interest or possibly even awareness of Obama's nuclear provocation which Clinton will almost certainly continue.

We suspect Putin will put up with these amateurish attempts to contain him because Americans are known such behavior.  However, the first time Obama so much as disturbs a blade of grass within Mother Russia, kiss all the heroics goodbye as your ass will be vaporized.  There's no chance Mother Russia will ever tolerate that ever again so long as a single Russian remains alive.

It's unusual as I seem to be one of the few other than the Union of Concerned Scientists who even pay any attention to it.

Meanwhile online (cough) liberals bleat endlessly about Fukashima but those environmentally-aware hipster hobbits might consider stopping this nuclear provocation or Fukashima will be the least of their radioactive liberal worries.

This blather started after yesterday or the day before Obama when got some US Navy Popeye to drive another of the US warships into the Black Sea to 'strengthen regional stability.'  That's sure a great idea when they have made an abject failure of regional stability everywhere else.

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