Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Birders versus Vanilla ISIS and the Bundy Boneheads in Oregon

Vanilla ISIS has taken over the bird sanctuary in Oregon because they're defending the Constitution.

(Ed:  what part of the Constitution?)

We don't know since flapjacks like this have been prattling about saving the Constitution for years but they never say what they want to save.  Sarah Palin started it so we think it has something to do with boobs, we're just not sure.

(Ed:  boobs are in the Constitution?)

Well, no.  It almost got boobs with the Equal Rights Amendment in the 80's but Phyllis Schlafly, the Benedict Arnold of feminism and the female persuasion, almost single-handedly stoked resistance and the E.R.A. was never ratified.

(Ed:  so women should be protesting the Constitution!)

Yah but they're not.  There are no women or at least not very many in Y'all Qaeda.

(Ed:  Hillary Clinton will defend feminism!)

Yah, sure she will, Shirley Temple.  Here's a tip, sunshine:  don't wait for her to mention the Equal Rights Amendment.  It ain't goin' happen.

(Ed:  Vanilla ISIS thinks they're defending the Second Amendment?)

When they have more guns than a cop department SWAT unit, they don't show evidence the Second Amendment is stopping them from anything.

(Ed:  so what's their problem?)

Birders, buddy boy.  The birders are coming.  There's no constraint on the Second Amendment but the people who say they're defending the Amendment are constraining the free access for birders in the bird sanctuary so now the birders are pissed and they're coming.

(Ed:  why don't cops just shoot Vanilla ISIS, they shoot everyone else)

Because Fox News doesn't like them either.  Megyn Kelly was trying to make herself look credible in shredding Ammon Bundy, the Sheikh of Y'all Qaeda, but she's got to earn a few (i.e. a lot) more journo stripes before anyone calls her a Cronkite.  When Fox News is concerned someone is making them look stupid, you've got some real Einsteins on your hands.

(Ed:  now what?)

Ammon Bundy should run for President with the GOP

(Ed:  why?)

Because he is the only way to make the other candidates look intelligent.

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