Friday, January 1, 2016

About That Stonehenge in Lake Michigan

Some divers are claiming there's an another Stonehenge forty feet below the surface of Lake Michigan where they found large stones, at least one of which contains petroglyphs (i.e. carvings of a mastodon and possibly some runic language).  The contention is the site was constructed about ten thousand years ago.  (ZME Science:  Stonehenge-like Structure Found Under Lake Michigan / NBC Chicago:  Stonehenge in Lake Michigan?)

The image is reported to be of the same stones but it doesn't seem there's been much validation even when the discovery was made in 2007.

The timing of this is questionable since the last retreat from a Interglacial advance was about eleven thousand years ago.  (WIKI:  Wisconsin Glaciation)

The stones are also under forty feet of water so their construction means there must have been a time when there were above the water level but when exactly was that.  The Great Lakes were never empty since they were formed by tectonic movement several billion years ago.  Glacial advances did more carving of them but that didn't create the lakes.  As the glaciers advanced, the lakes would have frozen but that's freezing water which was already there.

The graphic depicts the retreat of the glacial ice and how that affected the lakes.  From that we see Lake Michigan was full of water at the time the stones were supposed to have been erected.  The water retreated for some time after that and then returned.

Maybe all of this is quibbling and really Lake Michigan Stonehenge was constructed around seven thousand years ago when quite a bit of the lakebed was exposed.  That doesn't seem so credible since the mastodon had gone extinct around ten thousand years ago yet there is said to be a carving of a mastodon on one of the stones.

Rating:  HF (Highly Fishy)

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