Friday, July 18, 2014

What's This About Zionism, Abby?

My huge respect for Abby Martin of "Breaking the Set" on Russia Today is long-standing but I'll be more than happy to shred her too as there will be consistency in news or it just wastes my time.

Talking about cowboys and Indians does not help solve a problem.  Obviously Israel shouldn't bomb Gaza.  You would think it would also be obvious that Hamas should stop chucking missiles into Israel ... but that wasn't in this report.

Why not.

I hear constantly in news threads about the Zionist Conspiracy.  In its original form, Zionism was the movement toward a Jewish homeland in Jerusalem.  Now it exists to promote it (shrug).

You could just as legitimately say Americans are Yankists, English are Britists, etc.  It's just plain stupid.

If you want to solve the problem then you need both sides at the table and leave the guns outside.  Nothing else will work.  As written previously, Unilateral Solutions Don't Work.  On that basis, the efforts of both sides are pointless except insofar as the impact to the number of civilians killed.

In general today's report is good but I have a huge problem when I start hearing about Zionist Conspiracy as my very first question is what motivated this.  News ... or something else.

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