Friday, July 18, 2014

Silas Scarborough Representing the Psychedelics Party

If you ain't trippin', we ain't goin'

I remember now when those words first came to me in an incoherent haze somewhere in Mississippi. How could I predict how much they would change my life or how many cool concerts I would see.

And so now the Psychedelic Party rises to address the needs of this woeful nation.  Herewith the platform on which we will boldly embrace the future and, if you'll permit me, we can vaticinate on the future right now.

- All aircraft carriers will be converted to pirate FM radio stations but they will also be kept serviceable such that they can be dispatched to render medical aid during foreign emergencies.
- We will bring the Church of the Grannies to everyone.  You can almost always trust what grannies say.
- Kids will be able to attend college without selling one or more of their siblings into human trafficking to pay for it.

We will figure out the rest of the platform later.  Right now we're going to smoke a bowl.

That should be enough to get it started.  The U.S. won't get invaded.  People just want to stay home and be reasonably sure no-one will screw with them.  No-one's going to invade anything.

Note:  this was by request of Laidback Celt.  I do have some some requests of my own if I pursue this.  I do not want to be rich, famous, or recognized.  Apart from that, hey, let's fuck some shit up.  Oh yeah, I also don't want to talk to anyone.  I'm sure we can work this out.

Maybe you think it's wrong for a politician not to say anything but the existing politicians say all kinds of things then don't do them.  I will tell you up front that I will create the Stoner White House and we'll be blowing joints all day long.  What you will know for sure behind that is we will not be starting any more of these idiotic wars.  Screw the speeches, let's roll some joints.

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