Friday, July 18, 2014

Cat Said Rock Harder

This is the first time I have ever heard that from a woman, particularly with regard to me.

Most of my stuff has been extended lately and it's usually 80 bpm or less.  By contrast, a formula pop song will most likely be about 120 bpm.  A rock song may be 180 bpm on up.

Cat said some of the songs sound sad ... but these other ones didn't and this was good.

I'm not sad in playing.  My situation sucks but that is not depressing, that is just something that pisses me off.

However, if the music comes over as sad then what.  The impression any two people take on some music will probably not be the same but at a fundamental level of happiness or sadness there will probably be agreement.


I'm sure my own thinking is clear as I'm looking for the most beautiful sound I can positively find.  I like to think this is better than when one of her cats brings her a mouse.  I don't believe there's some huge shrink where deep down I'm sad but the clown laughs through the tears or some crapola like that.

I mentioned how I had for a while done a "Wild Thing" cover and it hard very raunchy lyrics.  This one rocked in the old school for sure.  I'm not sure what Cat made of that so I'll think about it.

Update:  I just noticed the Freudian slip with 'hard' sneaking into the description of raunchy lyrics.  I'm going to leave it there.

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