Tuesday, September 19, 2017

What's Hot on the Blog 9/19


It's Cool - to behold Seraphin's deeper forays into Ithaka and largely he brings introduction which gives through that a better look at his emerging style

What's Hot

Parading - there's all you need for today's absurdity when there's been so much tearful exhortation of the need for a great deal more money for the military and the first application of that desperately-needed money will be for a bloody, giant in Washington.  The thinking is breathtaking, isn't it, my brothers and sisters?

On the Bountiful - the observation of how beauty and goodness spring forth in multiple ways during this time

Leather work - gives us an example of this type of creation in is life and it's not in some way which is overly dry and feels like a recipe or some such

Tips for Seraphin - an article on how to embed videos within articles on Ithaka and hopefully that will make the arcane process of it easier to exploit.  Note:  there's no shady legality to it since most enable embedding because it gives additional free publicity for their work.

The Vibe - the #Blotto from last evening when we were coming to the vibe for today which was genuinely exciting


Playing Ithaka - as quite a bit like a reality TV show rather than, say, bringing the variety of something like The Ed Sullivan Show which could go from Toppo Gigio the Mouse to The Beatles in the same show and that was the way of the early 60s

#Photographs - here's another example of how the pics may either be boomers or busted but without a clear indication of why it goes this way or that.  There's no lament in the observation; it's just unusual.

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