Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Pilgrims Go Flying into the Future Now #Blotto

The spirit is willing but the corpus doesn't cooperate so much and I'm definitely ready for flatness now.  Getting some scribes on the wonder of it all is still a priority because that's Ithaka.

There was a time of Great Learning in terms of Milllennials and the awareness they have of a great many things.  I was seeing the Hope in him since he's well aware of a great many things which are incredibly important to me but this thinking didn't come from my lead.  That's a tremendous Hope to me since there is the immense awareness and they teach it to themselves.

Seraphin's enthusiasm for change is another light since there's generally so little of that and light always bring goodness.

Zen Yogi:  except when it wakes me up

OK, Yogi, not then.

We did cross over some thinking of being terrified of dying since Seraphin has had it staring him in the face several times.  That brings an awareness somewhat like skydiving in which you know if anything goes wrong then you will probably wind up paste on the runway and there probably won't be anything you can do about it.  You know immediately in this moment I could die ... but at the same time we're excited by it either by watching that sort of activity or going for the Big Tamale by doing it ourselves.

Note:  I'm mixed on whether to advise taking a leap since it definitely will deliver all the Raw Terror you want but I started having thoughts of what if the parachute opens just fine ... but the harness breaks.  Then I would continue falling to Earth in sight of my beautifully-formed parachute behind me.  Yep, that did it for skydiving.

The excitement aspect is where we tease ourselves with it since, if we have any idea what the hell we're doing, we will have a backout such as backing off the accelerator.  I don't see this so much as facing death as dancing with it.   The dance can be intoxicating and I've been in it many times but you know how it plays.

The ancient Ithakan voice told them to have no fear since death is a Zen Moment insofar as first you are and then you ain't.  Fear makes sense for the sicky part since, wtf, it sucks so you manage it the best you can and this one I tell you strongly that the focus on the goodness and is the best management you can give it.  Focus on the losses will drown you so focus on that which remains since it's the only way really to stay true to yourself and be what you are.

Zen Yogi:  until you ain't

That's right, mate.

More than anything, in a single word the vibe was boisterous and there was much laughing.  Be it always that way, mates.  I don't think so much in terms of not seeing them again but rather that I saw them now for a Zen Moment which will stand.  We talked of such Zen Moments in life and the result is beautiful in a glorious panorama of peace.

Much love to everyone

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