Thursday, September 28, 2017

Don't Worry, Be Happy

When I awaken, it's often with thoughts of writing an article showing unparalleled wizardry for the realm of the incredibly strange here in Ithaka.

Zen Yogi: and then to say this not one of the those articles

That's the immediate laugh but I really do awaken with such thoughts in my mind and it's because the reason is all around.

When we hear of changes to tax code, we don't need to review the content since most of us are aware of Reagan style tax cuts and how those worked out and the latest is more of them.  We don't need the analysis since we know there will be outraged roars from every direction and you're keenly aware of it as well.

Zen Yogi:  everyone is tired of outraged roars

We're even more tired of that than we are of people doing stupid things on the highway or spamming email from Nigeria.

Zen Yogi:  what's a perplexed populace to do, my non-furry friend?

We already have Don't Panic from Douglas Adams and we know that's a good 'un.

Ref:  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

Zen Yogi:  we need something more since it gets like "The Night of the Living Dead" and many, if not dead already, get so angry

There's been so much thundering about the attempts to change the medical coverage only the week-end Tweeting about sports could drown it out.  The result is all of us are ...

Zen Yogi: we are so completely fed-up

Thanks for that cracking good insight, Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  what will you do?

Well, mate, I won' do anything except look for a place where I can eat my Kellogg's Corn Flakes and still hear the Snap, Crackle, Pop.

Zen Yogi:  is it when Snap, Crackle, Pop got lost that civilization started falling apart?

It may well be, Yogi, since everything else got so much louder at the same time and that was a sure sign.

Zen Yogi:  what's for anyone to do about it?

We don't want to get into universal edicts but we don't need one since you don't want all this uproar anyway.  There are all kinds of political circumstances which cause all the noise and we can roll all that up in a ball to try to sell it on eBay but it wouldn't get that much.

We have the Don't Worry, Be Happy vibe but there are reasons to worry so we need awareness and not the vacancy of Don't Worry.

You know already of things which bring peace to you amid the external mania so we don't need the how to book to learn how to stop drinking a gallon of coffee due to stress from circus barker pundits.

Zen Yogi:  is this about religion?

No, mate, since if that's the answer then they already know it.

Note:  the Davy Crockett hat-wearin' bobblehead Jesus just smiles.

We have the general Rockhouse pitch of look past all the suckage to find the goodness and that's real but it's not a strong move when surrounded by angry loons carrying pitchforks.

Zen Yogi:  usually for this type of trip, it would be about time for me to say something flip and bail out

That's the answer, Yogi.  I don't have the outstanding answer so that sounds like the best easy out.  Let's go to find some pic-a-nic baskets.

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