Sunday, September 24, 2017

Hispanics Throw Such Great Parties ... Across the Street

Ordinarily I would be sleeping as soundly as a bear in the middle of Winter but there's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on ... across the street.

There's not a thought of a noise complaint since there's a happy vibe which comes with Hispanics and their parties.  Relative to the ubiquitous anger we see the in the land, it's a delight to feel their joy albeit sleepily.

Ithaka has stuck cheerfully to the Weekend of the Pilgrims as the same theme all day and that's not typically the way we do anything but it does happen sometimes.  The last was in Mister Toad's Wild Ride when a sixty-year-old lunatic (i.e. me) rode across Europe on a 170cc scooter.  Ithaka took on the single purpose of the telling of the saga which ran for the months it took to reach Scotland.

The Weekend of the Pilgrims is another saga but of a different form and it's a lovely thing in which it's a wondrous delight to participate while it also makes a fine story since these ones mostly write themselves.

Zen Yogi:  those singers aren't so good, eh?

Nope but feel their love and their gentle joy, mate.  It's delicious.

Zen Yogi:  but all that sleepy time poofs

Sure it does but the Chinese have a saying that every night without sleep is a day added to the rest of your life.

Zen Yogi:  what does that mean, Silas?

No idea, Yogi, but I think it may translate to something like there was too much cabbage in my dinner tonight.

Zen Yogi:  that helps me find illumination

Of course it will mate.

This neighborhood is almost entirely Hispanic and there's some negative thinking about any such neighborhood but this one, rather than collapsing, is rebuilding itself with great determination.  That continues with every hard-earned rehab since teams of people who are, I guess, family or close friends may take a year or longer to rehab a home but the result is invariably of high quality and beautiful appearance.  The ones who rehabbed it then live in it and they will never be lacking in neighborhood pride.  After all, they built it.

The music doesn't have to be Hispanic and I know that because they have tolerated my music for years.  No-one ever makes an angry phone call to the gendarmes.  Yevette had told me the noise doesn't get out and I did start the looper playing so I could do a walk around near the house to check.  Sometime later I learned it does get out but only on extremes.  Everyone around was extremely cool about it since that is just how it goes here.

Kathy Griffin is a comedian some loathe for her political positions and a video in which she held Donald Trump's head from her hand and the head wasn't in such good shape at the time.  She got death threats for that and likely from the same ones who said Charlottesville only revealed the exercise of free speech.

Griffin's neighbor is a super-rich CEO and he threw huge, loud parties which could elicit a noise complaint from Griffin.  That in turn received a screaming, drunken, and profane response from the super-rich fellow and of course she warranted the abuse because of That Poster.

The super-rich CEO's company didn't agree with his estimation of civilized behavior and docked him 25% of his annual bonus.

That's how it goes in another neighborhood but there's nothing of that in this one.

It's about 1:30am Cowboy Time (i.e. Fort Worth in Central) and the parties hardly ever go much later.  The neighborhood has been a true privilege due to the overall tolerance of everything and I've learned many things here despite my impoverished means.

It sounds like they are packing it in now and that's lovely too since I believe I will do that as well.

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