Friday, September 29, 2017

Marvelous to See You Again, Seraphin

Your duty to your Queen is being fulfilled impeccably as of course it would by one from your noble line.  It's another confirmation of that line with the visits from the Magistrates to recognize these exceptional accomplishments you have achieved.

Ithaka will keep rolling until your time comes to rise and the readers are rolling it so fast now the wheels may melt because Win a Million is down to hundreds before it will fly over the top.  That will be a continuing amusement through the evening since it's only hours now.

That was a great view of your real locus within the immensity and it comes real unless, wtf, would he paint someone else's pad like that and the answer has got to be no way.  Even in painting the vibe is strong and your jammin' enthusiasm is a marvel.  The distant abode sounds like it grows with great style there in the Mountains and through it all the sensation is exhilirating.

The tripsicallity of my vibe gets more influenced by the nefarious of the prescribed nature so a turnover with great ceremony and fanfare will come and then I will become the guest Dream God.  I will be appearing much less frequently since I have been invited to officiate and instigate the return of the Dance Frenzies from the 14th and 15th Centuries.  I'm not sure when they will ask me to begin and everything is copacetic in the meantime.

Zen Yogi:  you mean the Zombie Uprising won't be about the undead eating us and instead be dancing?

That's right, Yogi, and you don't hear about it much because there isn't any kind of a horror movie in it and therefore there is no money.

Seeing your writing adds another marvel of wonder in an exceptionally surreal panorama where everything is actually authentic.  There will be another Pilgrimage this weekend to further compound it and, from one perspective, it's the last but the view from the Rockhouse is the Pilgrimages are the always and that's whether virtual or physical.

It's all grand, mate, and have a ball with the local tactical operations when that becomes part of the overall vibe as well.

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