Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Teach Your Children ... Not to Sell Meth

The Rockhouse doesn't ordinarily go for mug shots since that's typically the sleaziest way people find to feel superior.  However, we're not feeling superior, we're feeling young.  (Radio 102.3 Portland: When your grandparents sell meth)

Holy shit!  I'm 3-5 years older than they and I may be an ol' beater of a broken-down Chevrolet but ...

Ed:  just a helpful confirmation that you are an old beater of a broken-down Chevrolet

Thanks and, as always, you're a prince.

In any case, these ones are walking death and I look nothin' like that.  It doesn't look like Granny was sampling the wares and aren't you a special horror, lady.  She was doing this deliberately but you can see Gramps lobotomized himself years ago.

Two people were arrested on methamphetamine charges after a search warrant was served at a home in Lebanon, Oregon.

Lebanon Police said more than one ounce of meth was seized, along with drug records, packaging materials and other drug paraphernalia.

Patrick L. Newton, 63, and Lillian M. Beatty, 61, were arrested on charges of delivery and possession of methamphetamine. Both individuals were booked into the Linn County Jail.

- 102.3

They were serious dealers when they carry that kind of weight.  Good riddance to both of them.

Ed:  you just want to be superior

Possibly there's some of that since stoners really loathe addicts.  Mostly, tho, I look and think what a monster bitch in the effects of that drug and stay the fuck away from these people at Christmas.

The Rockhouse is right there with you on locking up people like this since they're too damn dangerous to permit on the street.

Ed:  stoners are like them

I'm nothing like them.  Stoners never hurt anyone deliberately but those monsters do it to everyone who gets their poisonous filth and they don't care if they're children.

The part that just throws us to the floor is why don't people get as wanked over Big Pharma doing essentially the same thing.  WTF?

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